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Cyberport 數碼港

100 Cyberport Road, Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Business Center



Cyberport is a digital community for tech start-ups to grow and thrive. Welcome and be part of our vibrant community to experience innovation at its best!  We at Cyberport are working to build a dynamic home for technology start-ups in Hong Kong. Our goal is to create a booming start-up ecosystem in the heart of the Asia-Pacific. First and foremost, we aim to engender a spirit of innovation amongst our young people  and help them pursue their dreams because Hong Kong’s future depends on them. This is why we want to bring into being not just a culture but build an actual place that truly celebrates innovation and entrepreneurship.

Cyberport has established a series of programmes to guide entrepreneurs through the entire start-up process from infancy to growth to maturity. We help them acquire the necessary business skills and create the ideal conditions for their ideas to come to fruition. Finally, we go out of our way to ensure they achieve success not only in Hong Kong but also in the global marketplace. As Cyberport works to realise this vision you are invited to be part of this journey and go all out together to turn  dreams into reality.

Cyberport is grateful for the support of our fans, and through this Official Fan Page, we share information about technology and start-ups. Comments on this page are welcome. However, we reserve the right to remove any post or material that is promotional, abusive, defamatory, racist, sexist, discriminating, offensive, or obscene.


【好消息唔好畀佢停】 尋晚英國考察團傳黎好消息!TNG Wallet - 香港人的電子錢包 同跨境支付平台Tranglo Europe Limited簽署深化戰略合作協議,是次合作框架下,TNG 將匯款服務擴至英國,打造橫跨歐亞嘅電子錢包平台! 恭喜TNG進軍英國市場👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 #GoToMarket #CyberportStartUp #Incubation #FinTech

我哋尋日同大家分享咗英國考察團嘅Happy Moments,另一邊廂,我哋仲帶咗8間培育公司去美國嘅「TechCrunch Disrupt SF 2017」參展! 好期待見到我哋嘅Start-ups去更多地方,我哋繼續一齊為香港嘅start-up打氣啦!☺️ #TeamConcepts #AutomatedMachineLearning #FindSolutionAI #Valoot #ORII #Aspire Event Management Limited #iLearner #mindfio #GoToMarket #CyberportStartUp #Incubation #TechCrunch

【倫敦搵食篇 - Fish & Chips 以外】 大家到倫敦搵食,一定不會錯過名物Fish & Chips。 而數碼科技公司去到倫敦搵食,當然瞄準當地發展迅速既FinTech喇! 數碼港一向致力推動香港FinTech發展。 尋日就聯同金管局一齊帶同本地FinTech公司同業界朋友到倫敦考察。 為金融科技行業尋求更多商機,穩固香港作為「紐倫港」三大國際金融中心既地位。 想知道接著幾日考察團的最新動態,記得密切留意我地既post!

恭喜 TNG Wallet - 香港人的電子錢包完成9 億港元嘅 A 輪融資,仲打破埋香港初創公司 A 輪融資紀錄! 數碼港助FinTech 初創成就非凡,希望日後見到更多FinTech初創邁向國際金融市場! #TheNextBigThing #數碼港初創企業

【Let ideas shine: 散銀估估下 贏獎品 – 得獎名單 】 開估喇,片段入面樽散銀總值$1,720.6!想知道得獎結果,快啲睇下個得獎名單有冇你個名喇!再次恭喜11位得獎者! 大獎 (數碼港艾美酒店自助餐 & 百老匯戲飛兩張): Winner of the Le Méridien Cyberport Buffet Dinner and 2 Broadway Cinema Movie Tickets: Tracy Sze Wai Wong 安慰獎 (星巴克$50現金禮券): Winners of the Starbucks $50 Vouchers: Portia Lee Gigi Ng Bi Lau Janiy Wong Iris Ng Clavin Chu Man Kit Cheung Chan Yuen Shan Yu Ki Kaming Leung 多謝大家嘅踴躍參與!得獎者記得Facebook Inbox我哋確認領獎詳情。 今次無得獎唔洗灰心㗎,我哋嚟緊仲有好多活動,繼續留意我哋嘅專頁喇! 條款及細則: [Let Ideas Shine: Heycoins Mini-game Winner Announcement] Enjoyed the game? Check it out to see if you are one of the lucky winners! The total value in the bottle was 1720.60! Congratulations to 11 lucky winners who guessed the closest amounts. Thank you for participating! Please inbox us to claim your prize. Thank you for the love! Terms and Conditions:

【數碼港初創企業 x 「io.t by HKT」概念店】 數碼港初創企業嘅產品進駐咗圓方新開幕嘅「io.t by HKT」概念店,展出世界各地頂尖嘅智能產品,令大家盡享更多新奇好玩嘅IoT玩意。首輪展品包括 ORII -智能戒指、CWB Tech -智能運動手帶、Kazoo Technology -觸摸屏智能卡、 Air Button -智能潛水袋同由 #WTM 開發嘅 麻將天下。 大家快啲去睇下!最緊要係Like我哋嘅專頁,我哋會喺度通知大家下輪仲會有咩展品,記住留意呀! #csl #iotbyHKT #CyberportStartup #數碼港初創企業 #數碼港支持香港startup #創新科技數碼港梗支持 【Cyberport Start-ups X「io.t by HKT」Concept Store 】 Want to try the latest advanced gadgets? Come to「io.t by HKT」, a gadget concept store in the Elements, and try our innovative wearables and IOT start-ups! Come support great tech made here in Hong Kong! CWB Tech: The pioneer in sensor-based wearable and motion analysis technology Kazoo Technologyy : Readable Smartcards with touchscreen technology Air Buttonn : Intelligent shortcut button for Android devices #WTM : Mahjong Word APP Stay tuned on our page for knowing the product of next rounds and other updates. #csl #iotbyHK

開估啦,方保僑 Francis Fong 今期筆下嘅主角就係 HEYCOINS 冋 Kazoo Technology,仲提及新獨角獸 GOGOVAN 添! 數碼港仲有好多間初創企業,你仲想知邊個嘅奮鬥故仔?話我哋知啦! 下一個講嘅可能就係你嘅心水,繼續留意我地專頁啦! #CyberportStartup #數碼港初創企業

【Let ideas shine: 散銀估估下 贏獎品 】 太多散銀好麻煩?數碼港Start-up HEYCOINS幫你消滅神沙,將佢哋變成無限驚喜! 宜家同大家玩個遊戲,估下片入面呢一樽散銀嘅總值係幾多,最接近果一位朋友將會獲得逾千元獎品,另外較接近嘅10位朋友亦會得到星巴克禮券(價值HK$50)! 想再望清楚啲?呢個星期每日嘅11 am至5 pm,嚟數碼港3期IT Street,就可以睇到玻璃樽真身,仲有得即場試神沙機添! 玩法: 1. 讚好 @Cyberport 數碼港 及 HEYCOINS Facebook專頁 2. 分享呢個Post 3. 留言Tag一個朋友,及估下玻璃樽入面嘅銀仔總值幾多錢 截止時間:2017年9月15日下午11時59分 (以香港時間為準) 得獎公佈:2017年9月18日於此專頁公佈 條款及細則: 【Let ideas shine: Win a Free Dinner Buffet】 Coins not only have more than two faces, it also gives you a happy moment with Heycoins at Cyberport. Help us guess the coins in the jar! If you guess the closest number to the correct amount – your next date night is on us. The closest guess will win a 5 Star Hotel Dinner Buffet Coupon and Broadway Cinema Movie Tickets! The other 10 closest guess will each win Starbucks Coupons (Valued $50). How It Works: 1. Like @Cyberport 數碼港 and HEYCOINS Facebook Page 2. Share this post 3. Tag a friend and make a guess about the value of coins in the jar and write the answer in the comment box Game Ends:15 Sep, 2017 (11:59pm HKT) Winner Announcement:On 18 Sep, 2017 on Cyberport Facebook page. Terms and Conditions: #SmartTryout #Letideashine #CyberportStartup #消滅你既神沙 #數碼港初創企業 #數碼港支持香港startup #創新科技數碼港梗支持

方保僑 Francis Fong 今集講咗MindLayer Limited同 Dragon Law 下集又會講邊2間初創公司呢? 想認識更多初創公司,繼續留意我哋專頁啦!


數碼港有好多年輕又優秀嘅Start-up團隊︰GOGOVAN(物流貨運平台)、Klook(線上預約當地特色體驗平台)、HEYCOINS(神沙機)等等。我哋嘅CEO相信年輕人有夢想,只要努力,再加一點運氣,社會有好多資源去支持佢哋創出一番事業。數碼港一直都喺支持初創嘅好拍檔,我哋喺期待喺國際上見到更多香港Start-ups的踪影! #數碼港助你成長非凡 #數碼港支持創新科技 #數碼港幫你靚橋破殼而出

【祝賀GoGoVan衝出香港,邁向國際】 很高興見證數碼港培育公司GOGOVAN為香港初創省靚招牌,與國內最大貨運平台58速運合併,業務邁向新里程! 合併後加速發展國內超過100個城市,更決心成為亞洲乃至全球最大物流貨運平台! 數碼港願與初創繼續一齊成長,成就非凡! #數碼港助你成長非凡 #數碼港支持創新科技 #數碼港幫你靚橋破殼而出


NEAR Cyberport 數碼港