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Dominion Home Solutions

Port Credit, Mississauga, Canada



Water, fire, smoke and mold detection and mitigation.
Demolition and renovation / restoration work.
Project management and consulting services  My services include:
- Structural and Safety Home / Property Inspections
- Mold Detection, Containment and Removal
- Asbestos Detection, Containment and Removal
- Water, Fire, Smoke and Mold Remediation and Restoration
- Project Management and Consulting Services Related to the Construction (Renovation) and Restoration Industry
- Insurance Policy Assessment and Insurance Claim Assistance

I have 20 years experience in construction as project manager in both renovation and insurance restoration work. I am IICRC and WorkShield certified.



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Dominion Home Solutions

Home and Property Insurance All homeowners have Home and Property Insurance, but few really know what is covered under their insurance policy. Often homeowners feel that reporting to the insurance makes no sense, because their rates will increase and they will need to pay their deductible. While, in some cases homeowners report to the insurance, when it makes no sense and end up with an unnecessary “zero dollars” claim on their record. In most cases, damages to your property can be covered by insurance e.g. roof repairs causing interior leaks, plumbing issues causing water damage, to name few examples. Dominion Home Solutions can inspect the damage, advise you on the recommended course of action, before you make the decision to report to the insurance. We can then help you deal with insurance adjusters once the claim is opened, by reviewing emergency and restoration estimates. By doing so, we can make sure that all required work will done according the industry standards and to obtain realistic payment for the work to be done. We can help you with providing quotes from trades to reflect market pricing for the work to be done as well provide professional evaluation of the required work. Please contact me with any questions. At your service, Dominion Home Solutions 416 409 6676

Dominion Home Solutions

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Dominion Home Solutions

Dominion Home Solutions

Dominion Home Solutions

Dominion Home Solutions Your house is the biggest purchase and investment of your life. Keeping your home “healthy” is as important as keeping yourself healthy. Houses, just like people age and require “healthcare”. Dominion Home Solutions want to help you be healthy by keeping your house mould free. Mould can cause serious damage to your health and that of your loved ones, especially children. In most cases, mould goes undetected for years as it is caused by moisture and condensation. Detection of moisture also helps to find possible issues with waterproofing and roofing. In addition, detection of “cold spots” often causing cold spots in the house, can find issues with exterior finishes as well insulation. “Cold spots” result in energy loss especially during the winter and summer increasing the cost of heating and electricity. Dominion Home Solutions can inspect your house and detect the mould, along with moisture and condensation trapped inside the walls, ceilings and floors. Following the inspection, we can provide a remediation plan to remove all the damaged and affected materials. We can also help you in putting your house back the way it was before the remediation work. Detection and removal of mould, moisture and condensation are a very helpful tool for real estate agents for their buyers and sellers. Buyers can understand and budget knowing that there will be additional costs to have their house get a “clean bill of health”. Sellers on the other hand can address the issues before listing their homes to reduce the chances of receiving offers lower than their asking price. In addition, we offer an inspection to help sellers get their houses ready for sale by listing recommended repairs or renovation work to increase the value of their houses before listing. Please contact us at 416 409 6676 or email us at

Dominion Home Solutions

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Dominion Home Solutions

Dominion Home Solutions

Temporary solutions but still interesting and helpful...

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Help Discourage Mold Growth: - Install a dehumidifier in chronically moist rooms. - Don't carpet rooms that stay damp. - Insulate pipes and other cold surfaces to discourage condensation. - Install storm windows to eliminate condensation on glass. - Cover crawlspace dirt with plastic and ensure that the area is well ventilated.

Dominion Home Solutions

How do moulds contribute to health problems? The presence of mould does not always means that health problems will occur. However, for some people the inhalation of the mould, fragments of the moulds, or spores can lead to health problems or make certain health conditions worse. In addition, many of these moulds make "mycotoxins". Mycotoxins are metabolites or by-products from the moulds that have been identified as being toxic to humans. These toxins can slowly wear down the immune system and can lead to allergic or respiratory problems. In general, the most commonly reported symptoms include: Eye, nose, and throat irritation. Cough or congestion. Aggravation of asthma. Fatigue. Headaches. Difficulty concentrating. Basic Mold Inspection is $50 and you will be provided with a written report with photos along with a remediation estimate. Feel free to contact to schedule your inspection !

Dominion Home Solutions

Dominion Home Solutions

Happy New Year ! Please contact me with anything related to mold remediation, insurance policy assessment to renovations including small jobs. All the best !

Dominion Home Solutions



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