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Water Depot

959 Upper James Street, Hamilton, Canada
Local business



Offering a wide range of products to improve water quality, including Water Softeners, Iron Removal Systems, Reverse Osmosis Units, Ultraviolet Systems, Filters and Cartridges, Housings and Home Essential Products.


Did you know our home for the last 11 yrs could be taken away in 1.5 days..? Something fun to watch..

Did you know our home for the last 11 yrs could be taken away in 1.5 days..?
Something fun to watch..

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Alkaline Water Tap is now available at our temporary location. Stop by and fill with Alkaline water.

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We will be open Monday morning…(someone on site tonight untill 8:00) More info to follow.. :-)

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Hello,just attempting to keep the information flowing.. Update: the office is near the finish line...! We have the installers working hard to plumb in the purification room (the grey building behind the office) Ironically the latest hurdle today is the water dept. telling us WATER DEPOT that we cannot use the existing water hookup/meter.. OK, now I hope you can see the frustrations LOL. No worries, we've gotten around the "no power" so we will triumph over the "no water" blockade. We are hoping to be open mid way through next week. We will advise. Thx Greg

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Thought we would share some photos to give everyone some idea on the damage done and hopefully explain why its been a slow go... as you can see we for obvious reasons cannot use any of the existing equipment and why we need to build new.. Thank you for all the well wishes and we will advise the minute we know our reopen date..If you wish to be notified by email then please advise THX

Thought we would share some photos to give everyone some idea on the damage done and hopefully explain why its been a slow go... as you can see we for obvious reasons cannot use any of the existing equipment and why we need to build new.. Thank you for all the well wishes and we will advise the minute we know our reopen date..If you wish to be notified by email then please advise THX

Good Evening... Sorry for the delay in getting updates posted. Time to get on the computer has been slim. We have had many road blocks to overcome but we are getting through them. We know some customers are upset about having to travel to other locations and we apologize for the inconvenience. It was preferred to set up a mobile office type trailer on site to serve our customers. When the scope of building damage was realized, we looked at off site temporary store fronts. You would not believe the problems most of them presented. Not many of you would appreciate some of the distances you would have to walk with full bottles just to get back to your vehicle. Or have somewhere to park at all… Another issue is the facilities we need to set up the proper water room we invested in just aren’t there. Please also realize, we need to replace EVERYTHING... the inside was a complete write off.. right down to the last screw. Good News: we have all requirements to start setting up the office on site!! Everything is on order and we can start assembling the water treatment equipment as it comes in from suppliers. We hope to be reopen in the next few weeks. For now please continue to patronize our neighboring Water Depot’s. We know they will help you with any services you need until we re-open.

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INFO: WATER DEPOT HAMILTON RECENT FIRE We know customers are wondering.. Where can I get water?: The closest locations are Dundas, Waterdown, Brantford and Oakville. Can I use my account?: We do have a back up of all accounts. Once we re-open you can start using these accounts at that time. Unfortunately while you are getting water from one of the other locations you will have to either start a separate account or use the pay as you go option. How long will you be closed?: This answer has many variables... We have to see the extent of damage,and whether repair or rebuild is necessary. If either option takes too long we are already looking for space to set up a temporary location. Even this option will lake time... to set up the necessary equipment to produce the quality water everyone is wanting and expecting. We will only provide water that meets WATER DEPOT standards. As information becomes available we will keep posting updates to this page. If you wish to be added to our e-mail blasts as well then please send an email to Thank you, Water Depot Hamilton

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So, it has been a busy (and short) work week. I would like to thank Hamilton Fire, Police, Hamilton EMS, Hydro and the OFM for their response to our WATER DEPOT on Sunday. I know it will be a disappointment and inconvenience to our GREAT customer base (Family) dealing with this TEMPORARY closure. We will need to clean out the old before we can rush in the new!! The building is going to need assessment before knowing how we can proceed. Rest assured we are going to strive to make the closure as temporary as possible. Please re-post and inform family and friends to stay tuned for updates.. Thank you, Greg and Water Depot Hamilton Staff

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Please be notified, our Hamilton store is temporarily closed due to fire. We are working to re-open as soon as possible. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

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NEAR Water Depot