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Cornerstone Church

516 N Crawford Rd, Vermillion, United States
Religious Organization



Our goal is to be a place to GROW in God and in His Body-the church. Find out first hand what Cornerstone is all about! We are about TOGETHER loving God, serving people, and growing the next generation.


Courage isn't the absence of fear but acting in the face of fear. Bryan Jarrett

Cornerstone Church's cover photo

Cornerstone Church's cover photo

Cornerstone Church's cover photo

Cornerstone Church's cover photo

To the world peace is the absences of trouble or problems. Jesus peace is the presence of someone even when you are in the middle of a mess. (“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33)

Timeline Photos

Final night of Crosstraining tonight 6:15-7:30 at Cornerstone. Pizza tonight!! Been a great year.

Timeline Photos

To a grieving Mary Jesus asks, "why are you crying? Who is it you are looking for?” (John 20:19). Jesus already knows but asks anyways. Why? It's not so He can find out things He already knows. It's so that in the process of sharing we have the experience of knowing that He knows. We can have comfort in knowing He cares enough to hear about it and listen.

Great night planned at CrossRoads at Cornerstone. Mr. Nolan Welker leading us in a time of worship and some great teaching and fun planned. It's down to the wire- hope you can make it before summer. Tonight 8 PM

Tomorrow at Cornerstone 9 or 10:30 am we continue our series from John 20-21 Resurrected Living. Hope you can make it as we continue to embrace the new

Cornerstone Church's cover photo

Cornerstone Church's cover photo

The Passion of the Christ Worthy Is The Lamb

Tonight Good Friday Service 6:30. Over the years history has a way of sanitizing, glossing over events. Today it's still "Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners-whom I am the worst." Whether a Jesus person or not hope you can let the message and his actions grip you with faith.

Our favorite day tomorrow at Cornerstone, Baptism Sunday!! Celebrating new life in Christ!

Love this quote- "You enter the extraordinary through the ordinary" (Frederich Buechner). Reminds me of the words of Jesus "He who is faithful in a very little thing is faithful also in much; and he who is unrighteous in a little thing is unrighteous also in much." Praying God helps me to be faithful in the ordinary, and to make the most of ordinary.
