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Mt. Zion MB Church Tullahoma

301 S Washington St, Tullahoma, United States
Religious Organization



The vision of Mt Zion MB Church in Tullahoma is to be a "Hub of Hope" declaring the love of God through Jesus Christ to all humanity without judgement. The vision of Mt Zion in Tullahoma is to be a "Hub of Hope" declaring the love of God through Jesus Christ to all humanity without judgement; but with a compelling voice and anointed hands. We are caring for souls and worshiping God in a way that opens heaven's abundant Grace and miraculous Mercy.


Reminder: Consecration Week Prayer Each Day from 11a-1p at MtZionTullahoma Noon Day service Good Friday at Shorter Chapel starting at 12 noon. We Saw Him First Women's Worship followed by Breakfast at 8:30 And dress down Resurrection Sunday Service. We are corporately fasting from caffiene, sweets, carcinogens, and replacing those things with a scripture. As a suggestion, Read a Psalm every time you feel an urge to indulge. We will witness God do mighty and miraculous things!

31 Shades of God: God is Our Fortress. Today, envision yourself in a place where Satan, Sickness and Sin can't mess up your day. This place is a fortress. God is our Fortress. His protection is never failing. Let's continue to seek God's protecting power. Shade 18: God Is Our Fortress.

31 Shades of God: God is a Vindicator Let's be very blunt and honest. Sometimes in life, we take unnecessary short cuts and we wind up needing God's efficacious Grace and his undying Mercies. However, it does seem that sometimes we can be the innocent victim of others psychological or sociological problems. Our associates may have cooked up some vision in their minds or they may have inner demons that cause them to try and do harm to our reputation or careers. Psalms 26:1 says, "Vindicate me, O LORD... because I have tried to do right without wavering, but others around me want me to fail...That's why I don't sit or "hang" with them. Because I want to be on level ground with you before the world." Today know that God will vindicate you!

31 Shades of God: God is our Champion! Shade number 16: God looks at our enemy and asks us what do you want me to do about it. When we cry and ask God to defeat our enemies, GOD HEARS OUR CRY AND GRANTS US MERCY. Psalms 129 is a song of ascent that stars by saying, "my enemies have tried to hurt me for a long time; seemingly since I was first in the world.....But you God will not allow them to gain victory over me. YOU ARE MY CHAMPION!!!! Enjoy the day!!!

31 Shades of God: God is a REWARDER Hebrews 11:6 Gives us a priceless promise. This promise is to be the calm to your storm. This particular promise is the wealth of having a Heavenly Father who knows what is best for us. Since God is in control, God has asked us to "TRUST HIM" and God will Reward us for our diligence. Make today the best day Ever!!!!!

31 Shades of God: God of Forgiveness. God loves us so much, that there is only one thing God will not forgive...That one thing is blaspheming the Holy Spirit or Saying what The Holy Spirit can not do. On this day, reflect on the fact that there is no situation that God can not deliver you out of. There is nothing you can do to suspend God's Grace. Shade 15: God is Forgiveness!

31 Shades of God: There is 3 things God can not do. God cannot lie- Numbers 23:19 God cannot fail- Luke 137 God cannot die- Duet 32:40

31 Shades of God: GOD IS LOVE: John 3:16 for God so loved the world that he gave his son, not to condemn the world but to save the world.

31 Shades of God: God is Sovereign. Psalms 115:3 states God may do as he pleases. We are his creation and we yield to HIS SOVEREIGNTY! GOD IS SOVEREIGN!

31 Shades of God: GOD IS THE REFIINER. 1 KINGS 17:1-9. God sends Elijah to Zarephath. Zarephath was the place where metal was refined and smelted together. God will send us to a place where he is smelting our will to God's Will for our lives. Then as a REFINER, He puts us through a process so that God maybe able to see Himself in us! Therefore, Everything that is not like God....HE REFINES US TO GET US TO LOOK LIKE HIS SON!!!!

31 Shades of God: GOD IS A DELIVERER! ROM 11:26 NUFF SAID

31 Shades of God: GOD RECYCLES!! In Exodus 4:1-4 Moses said to God, "You're sending back to a place where I am an accused "sinner. What am I suppose to say with regards to my reputation that may or may not be tainted?" God says to Moses,"what's that in your hand? Throw it Down. What is it now?" Moses had a staff that turned into a serpent and when Moses picked the Serpent up by the tail it turned back into the staff. God said to Moses, "I've given you power so that they will believe that it is Moses that whose life was recycled by God." Our 8th Shade: God still uses Recycled people. Just when the others wrote you off, by saying, your over-qualified, under-qualified, not qualified at all, for the task, the job or for the promotion/position. Please be reminded that who other thought you were, God sees you different!


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