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CANDLES Holocaust Museum and Education Center

1532 S 3rd St, Terre Haute, United States
History Museum



The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good people to do nothing. CANDLES is an acronym for Children of Auschwitz Nazi Deadly Lab Experiments Survivors. The CANDLES organization was founded in 1984 by Eva Mozes Kor with help from her twin sister, Miriam Mozes Zieger, to launch an effort to locate other surviving Mengele twins. As a result of their efforts, Eva and Miriam were able to locate 122 individual Mengele twins living in ten countries and four continents. The search for more twins continues to this day.

In 1995, Eva opened the CANDLES Holocaust Museum and Education Center in Terre Haute. In 2003, the museum was firebombed by an arsonist and burned to the ground. With support from the community and organizations, a new museum building opened in 2005 and remains an important part of the community today. The museum draws increasing numbers of visitors every year, many coming from long distances.


Congratulations to Eva Mozes Kor for being named one of United Way of Central Indiana's 100 Heroes. “We think there’s no better way to celebrate our 100th birthday milestone than to shine the light on individuals who, in the opinions of others, go above and beyond to make a positive impact in our community,” said Allison Melangton, co-chair of the UWCI@100 committee.

CANDLES will be closed today, Friday 1/12, due to weather conditions. We will announce later today if we will be open tomorrow.

Please note: Eva Mozes Kor will not be speaking tomorrow, Saturday 1/6, due to the cold weather. She will be back in the museum at 1:00pm EST on Thursday, 1/11.

Due to very low temperatures, Eva Mozes Kor will not be giving her lecture tomorrow, Thursday 1/4. However, the museum will still be open and her recorded lecture will be available. Please call the museum if you have any questions - 812.234.7881.

2017 was an incredible year for Eva Mozes Kor and CANDLES. We appreciate all of the new friends, supporters, and visitors that we have met this year.

2017 was an incredible year for Eva Mozes Kor and CANDLES. We appreciate all of the new friends, supporters, and visitors that we have met this year.

Contribute to CANDLES through AmazonSmile You can support CANDLES through your holiday shopping by using for your online purchases and choosing CANDLES, Inc. as your charity. With AmazonSmile, Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible purchases to the charitable organization of your choice. AmazonSmile is the same Amazon you know. Same products, same prices, same service. Support your charitable organization by starting your shopping at

CANDLES will be open regular hours (Tuesday-Saturday 10:00am-4:00pm EST) in December, including the Saturdays before Christmas and New Year's. Visit our calendar for more information.

Thank you to all who helped share our message for this year's #CANDLESTuesday campaign and donated to our cause. This year was even more successful than last year, and we look forward to next year's global day of giving. reported that on this year's #GivingTuesday, people in more than 150 countries came together to give back, from opening their wallets and volunteering their time to help those in need to raising their voices in support of causes they believe in. On the sixth annual #GivingTuesday, individuals, civic coalitions, non-profit organizations, schools, and businesses in all 50 states raised $274 million online to benefit a broad range of causes, and gave much more in volunteer hours, donations of food and clothing, and even random acts of kindness. The total number of donations reported is over 2 million.


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