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CityReach Springfield

1477 North Broadway, Springfield, United States
Nonprofit Organization



Using unlikely people in overlooked places to do extraordinary things to lay claim to that for which Jesus has already paid.

We are passionate about seeing lives changed through the love of Jesus Christ. No matter your background, no matter your mistakes, you’ll find a real, welcoming community at CityReach Church Springfield.

We desire to impact north Springfield with the good news of Jesus Christ through life-giving worship gatherings, community outreach, and Hope Homes.

Hope Homes: With a vision to rebuild broken lives, the Hope Homes ministry provides a place of hope and freedom for people dealing with life-controlling issues or desparate situations; such as, post-incarceration, addiction, abuse, prostitution or homelessness.

Whether someone stays for a few weeks or for the entire program, our goal is to see them restored as they take steps toward lasting change.

We are a church dedicated to going outside the four walls of the church. We are a family and community committed to outreach and service.

Service Times:

Friday Night Fire 6:30 pm
Sunday Morning Service 10:30 am



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