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Shelburne Farms

1611 Harbor Rd, Shelburne, United States



A nonprofit organization educating for sustainability on a 1,400-acre working farm, forest, & National Historic Landmark. 1611 Harbor Rd, Shelburne, VT


Where the magic happens...

Cheese Operations Manager Kate Turcotte captures the magic of the cheesemaking room: the raw milk hits the vat first thing in the morning, and is turned into about 580lb of cheese by the end of the day! Here, Kate is cooking the curds before draining off the whey and stacking to press out extra liquid.

Where the magic happens...

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The cowbirds find all sorts of places to perch in the summer pastures...

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Shelburne Farms Energy Update, June 2017

Decisions at the national level are not slowing our fight against climate change. For us, a lot of that fight is through education. But as community members and stewards of this campus for learning about sustainability, we’re also taking concrete steps towards renewable energy and energy efficiency.

Tour de Farms

Addison County Relocalization Network (ACORN)'s 10th annual Tour de Farms, one of Vermont’s oldest cycling farm tours, will be held Sunday, August 6th in Bristol! This year’s route will follow 28 miles of rolling hills and backcountry roads through the Champlain Valley’s quintessential pastoral landscape.

June Flowers in the Formal Gardens

As Mark Twain said, “If you don't like the weather in New England now, just wait a few minutes.” While the rain has been hard to predict lately, the blooming flowers in the Formal Gardens are worth a stroll when the sun peeks out from behind the clouds.

June Flowers in the Formal Gardens

Career Profiles and Pathways

20+ students interviewed farmers, chefs, entrepreneurs, and other food system professionals to encourage more young people to consider food systems careers - check out VT Farm to Plate's results below!

The surprising number of American adults who think chocolate milk comes from brown cows

"7% of all American adults believe that chocolate milk comes from brown cows...If you do the math, that works out to 16.4 million misinformed, milk-drinking people."

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Raisin gave birth to two goat kids yesterday morning at 7:00 AM! Female goats, called "does", need to breed in order to keep producing milk. Although we only use raw cow milk to produce our cheddar, we keep a goat herd to show visitors that other dairy animals are important to farms, too. We use their milk to feed the goats kids, and pigs in the Children's Farmyard.

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Thank you Seven Days and everyone who nominated the Farm for the 2017 Seven Daysies - we're up for five nominations, including "best day trip with kids," "best place to go with your parents," and "best VT cheese brand"! Vote here:

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Outreach for Earth Stewardship

Thank you Outreach for Earth Stewardship for the osprey updates - at least two chicks have hatched at the Welcome Center & Farm Store nest!

Outreach for Earth Stewardship

6/02/17: Shelburne Farms: House, Gardens, Farms and Barns

UVM Extension's Across the Fences sits down with Alec Webb and Glenn Suokko to discuss the Farm's history and recent publication.

A Grilled Cheese and a Great View at Shelburne Farms

Seven Days enjoys a grilled cheese from our Farm Cart and talks with our Market Garden Manager Josh Carter about the Farms' food system.
