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Zeeks Pizza

419 Denny Way, Seattle, United States



Homegrown Northwest Pizza Zeeks Pizza is available ten restaurants in the Greater Seattle area:

Belltown- 419 Denny Way, Seattle, WA 98109
Ravenna- 2108 NE 65th Street, Seattle, WA 98105
Phinney Ridge- 6000 Phinney Ave. N, Seattle, WA 98103
Greenlake- 7900 E Greenlake Drive N, Seattle, WA 98103
Fremont/Queen Anne- 41 Dravus St., Seattle, WA 98109
West Seattle- 6459 California Ave SW, Seattle, WA 98163
Kirkland- 124 Park Lane, Kirkland, WA 98033
Bellevue- 10201 NE 10th St., Bellevue, WA 98004
Issaquah- 2525 NE Park Drive, Issaquah, WA 98029
Redmond - 16015 Cleveland Street, Redmond, WA 98052
Lynnwood - 4309 196th St SW, Lynnwood, WA 98036

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Happy Earth Day. It’s important to remember that Earth is the only planet with pizza. People forget that.

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Clips' Crawford wins Sixth Man honor for 3rd time

A shout-out to local legend, Rainier Beach alum, JCrossover himself, the one and only Jamal Crawford for taking home the NBA Sixth Man of the Year Award. Jamal is an exceedingly positive force in the local community and needs to be recognized for his work on and off the court. Now, if only he played for the Sonics...

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In honor of a day known for its increased pizza consumption, we present to you this Space Needle billboard from the 70's. It's a message that very much still resonates here in the Emerald City. Especially today. (PC: Redditor shelvesofmatterhorn)

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SPECIAL AWESOME PIZZA/BEER DEAL ALERT Today, Tuesday (and for all Tuesdays in the foreseeable future), we are offering this special deal. ALL deliveries to Reuben's Brews Taproom shall be discounted by the price of a Hop Tropic pint (the delicious Zeeks/Reuben's collaboration). That's a $5 delivery discount. Do it up, pizza/beer lovers.

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Tell us how much pizza you want for the office. Tell us exactly when you want it. Then we’ll bring it to you. It’s a fantastic system.

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When the clock strikes pepperoni, you know it’s time… Pizza Time.

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This poster has provided us with decades of inspiration and motivation.

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If you could share a breadstick with any member of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (or the British Invasion band, The Turtles), who would you choose?

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We think Gandhi said that.

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You know what's good? Beer. You know who has beer? Us. You know who deserves beer? You.

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Dream big, little ones. You can achieve anything you can dream. #PizzaKite

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You got up early. You drove halfway across the state. You endured small talk with aunts and cousins of your friend that you knew in high school but kind of know now, but who you really couldn’t call “close”, per se, but you felt obligated to attend and now you realize that none of your other high school friends have shown up so now it’s just you sitting next to Ethel, the surly mother-in-law who drops snide comments about everyone’s gifts to you and only you. You have earned that pizza. Oh, yes you have.

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