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B-Bio Tech Consulting

17259 Hesperian Blvd, Suite 11, San Lorenzo, United States



Over a decade of research, testing and technical expertise we have developed a technology referred to as “ SOIL BALANCER.”   Services We Offer By B-BIO TECH CONSULTING

Analysis & Identification

When problems arise, it's important to identify your issues and amend accordingly. Typically, growers take a shot-gun approach and just keep adding to the soil in hopes that they hit the right target. Our approach is a bit more scientific relying on the analysis from Soil Sampling to identify problematic relationships or reactions in your soil.
-Specific Features and Benefits of our Analytical and Bio-Technology:
-Promotion of Microbial flora and organic balance within the soil matrix
-Prevention of fertilizer and micro-nutrient loss by evaporation and leaching
-Potential to reduce fertilizer usage by 10-30%
-Improved root and plant nutrient transport and absorption
-Potential reduced labor and maintenance costs
-Prevention and control of salinity build-up
-Improved vigor and overall quality of produce
-Summary Description Of Sampling Analysis Performed:

Composite samples of soil and plant tissue are intended to provide a good representation of the entire soil environment. A written report is submitted upon completion of each sampling phase. This report includes results of all test data as well as interpretations and specific recommendations. Procedures to increase irrigation efficiency, minimize or eliminate chemical use, improve soil fertility and overall plant health, in a cost effective manner.

At times, a phone interview may be conducted to support our data analysis. This phone interview information is used in identifying potential problem areas, understanding current practices and assists us in developing a more specific sampling and analytical plan. Please feel free to call us prior to submitting your samples.
Here are some simple instructions of how to provide us with the necessary soil, water or plant tissue sample to carry out a productive analysis. Forms should be mailed to:
You may also inquire for our services by calling (510) 200 3524. Our hours of operation are 9:00am - 5:00pm (Pacific Time), Monday through Friday.

How to Submit a Soil Sample:
1. Samples are taken from a depth of 4 inches through the root zone. In the event of multiple core samples, mix the core samples thoroughly and retain a 10 ounce sample for analysis.
2. Complete a "Chain of Custody" form and label each submitted sample for:
•   Date
•   Location
•   ID Code
•   Sampler ID
•   Include a physical description of soil conditions and surrounding areas and vegetation as appropriate.
3.  Mail Soil Sample, Chain of Custody Form and your $70.00 check or money order to  .    

How to Submit a Plant Tissue Sample:

