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Air Z Charter Service

26300 Curtiss Wright Pkwy, Richmond Heights, United States



Air Z, based in Cleveland, Ohio, provides private aircraft charter for passengers and cargo at great rates throughout the eastern US. SAVE TIME
- How much is your time worth? If you could shave hours off of travel times and fly on your schedule, what would it allow you to do?
- Park your car seconds away from the airplane, get in and go. No need to arrive at the airport hours in advance.
- Land closer to your destination by flying into any of the over 5,000 available airports - compared to a few hundred with regular airline service.
- Every flight is a direct flight. No more frantic sprints through expansive terminals to catch a connection.
- Keep your shoes on, liquids in your bag, and say goodbye to security lines.

- Eliminate unnecessary hotel stays and meals away from home.
- Save on logistical costs by utilizing more convenient airports.
- Turboprops and piston driven aircraft are extremely cost effective for regional charter and are even cheaper than large commercial carriers for many routes.

- Visit multiple destinations in a day or change flight times and destinations on the fly as needed.
- Break free of airline schedules. Is the meeting running late? No worries. The plane leaves when you say it does.
- Every seat is a window seat and you can snack whenever you want.
- Work uninterrupted or hold a meeting in the air without prying ears. Feel free to use your electronic devices when you want.

- Have the flight crew arrange for ground transportation to pick you up when you land. Hassle free.

- Know that you are in good hands with pilots trained above and beyond the FAA requirements for airline pilots and reexamined by the FAA every six months.
- Our aircraft are maintained on site by seasoned professionals and stringently reviewed by the FAA.
- Air Z has been dependably flying the midwestern skies since 1989.

- Cessna 310R
- King Air B100
- Hawker 400XP Beechjet
