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Christ Lutheran Church

201 Harvey St, Radford, United States
Religious Organization



+Sunday Worship @ 10 AM+
A community with deep roots in Christ and a strong love for the people of the New River Valley.  


Clergy Coaching Network

Here's a helpful reminder for your week!

Clergy Coaching Network

Pub Theology of the New River Valley

Pub Theology is coming up on Thursday! Join us for some scrumptious food and conversation around spirituality.

Self Care Sunday: Bodily Health

Led by Mims Driscoll of Living Mangaliso, let's explore together how to invigorate our bodies with physical and spiritual health. There are obvious answersto that question. Drink water. Eat good food. Rest. Exercise. Yet, there's much more to consider to promote physical wellness.  What is your concept of your physical body?  What trauma has happened to your physical body?  How does one begin to heal that reality?  How do you inhabit your body when that body has known pain?

Self Care Sunday: Bodily Health


Yesterday's sermon explores what Jesus means when he says, "When you ask me for anything in my name, I will do it." It's complicated, and meaningful, and necessary for our prayer lives. You can find it here:

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This litany, written by Heather Prince Doss, offers an important reflection for us on this Mothers' Day. As a mother hen gathers her chicks, so the Lord gathers and protects his children. As a mother will not forsake her nursing child, even more will the Lord remember those who call on him. We thank you, mothering God. Holy Spirit, You are everywhere the Lord and Giver of life. We praise You for the gift of mothers, through whom You give us life. We thank You for their willingness to nurture life, for their trust in You to guide them through the labor of childbirth, the uncertainties of youth, the letting go of young adulthood. We thank you for all those women, who did not give us birth but through whom You give us abundant life. We thank you for adoptive and foster moms; aunts, grandmothers, and sisters; teachers, social workers, mentors, supervisors, and friends who share wisdom. We ask your tender mercies on all those whose mothers now sing with the heavenly chorus; on those mothers who have buried sons and daughters. Grant them your peace, which passes understanding, and the grace to trust their loved ones to your never-ending care. We pray for mothers and daughters who are separated from one another by distance or differences; for those mothers who struggle to provide for their families; and for those whose longing for motherhood goes unfulfilled. Grant them sufficient trust in your grace, and wake in us compassion for the welfare of all. We thank you, Lord, for all the women who have taught us something of Your tender love and fierce care. We pray that our lives might reflect your love and theirs, in all things giving honor to Jesus Christ – your son and the son of Mary. Amen.

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Christ Lutheran Church

Join us at 10AM on this Mothers' Day to continue our series on prayer, where we'll spend most of our time asking what it means to Pray in the Name of Jesus (and here's a hint: it's more than just saying his name). We know that Mothers' Day is a complex day. For many, it's a day of celebration, but for others, it's a day of grief. So, we'll also pray prayers of thanks for the vocations of mothers and for the mothers who have been examples of Christ's love in our lives. We'll pray for those who want to be mothers but aren't yet or can't be. We'll pray for those who've lost children and lost mothers. We'll pray for those whose mothers who've done more harm than good, who weren't examples of God's divine, mothering disposition toward us. We'll remember that the movement for Mothers' Day began as a movement to stop sending children to war. Together as people of faith we'll give thanks for the God who gave us birth, who we know must full through Jesus Christ.

Christ Lutheran Church

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Sermon preview for this week: Praying in Jesus's name is more complex than it sounds.

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Join us for Faith and Film tonight at 6PM! We'll have a fun, family friendly movie, dinner, and discussion about how themes we see relate to our faith.

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"When you ask me for anything in my name, I will do it." How do we make sense of this together as God's church? Comment below with your thoughts and join us this Sunday at 10AM to continue the conversation.

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In this week's installment of Pastor Drew's blog, he gives a glimpse into campus minsitry at Radford University and Virginia Tech. Check it out here:


This week's sermon is now live! It's the second in our series on prayer, which runs from April 30 - May 28. Find each piece here:

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+ Sermon Sneak Peek + Join us at 10AM in worship to learn more about how to hear and trust our Good Shepherd's voice.

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