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Koffee Kat Espresso Bar

104 Margaret St, Plattsburgh, United States
Coffee Shop



Plattsburgh.  Koffee Kat has a great atmosphere where you can hang out with your family and friends. Koffee Kat is a friendly little coffee shop located in downtown Plattsburgh.  Koffee Kat has a great atmosphere where you can hang out with your family and friends.  Hang out enough, and you become part of the Koffee Kat family.  Music is constantly streaming, all picked by the different Koffee Kat crew members.  There is a variety of coffee flavors as well as tea, pastries, soda and ice cream.  We provide free internet access for our customers.  And as always, we feature local artists and their talented work.  


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"Gallon of Milk", yes everyone this is the name of a new up and coming Pop Punk band to be featured at the Kat tomorrow night starting at 7pm. Bring your tip money and encouragement!

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Flinstones Vs. Cliches

From our very own Dominick! Wake up everyone and smell the talent right here.

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Happy Easter Everyone!!

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Greater Adirondack Ghost and Tour Company (Plattsburgh, NY)

Thank you Adirondack Ghost Tours for the 1928 photo of this restaurant which is now the Koffee Kat.. The floor and the chairs look "ghostly familiar".

Greater Adirondack Ghost and Tour Company (Plattsburgh, NY)

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Sorry everyone the magic 8 ball agrees that we will get 1 foot of snow on Friday. It never lies.

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This guy knows winter is over!! Good moods with good koffee.

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Good morning everyone! What are your plans for today?

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Welcome Muslims, remember we all got here on a boat! At the Kat we are all the same diverse interesting people.

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Yes, Moose on the Standish Road! That sign will slow me down, I've seen two myself on this road.

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"TheTundra?", No, it is the Standish Road this morning. Beautiful!

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Too cool for school! There is plenty to do boys, get busy!

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Big Bikes, no longer cool. Dylan will convert his biker friends to join his Sketchy Skooter Klub! I'm in, how about you?

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