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Seva Fitness Academy

1000 Broadway St, Paducah, United States
Gym/Physical Fitness Center



Empowering people to achieve peak performance and experience greater quality of life, we help individuals heal and grow. Our mission is to provide the world with the physical education that is critical for living a functional, healthy, and strong life.

Seva Fitness Academy provides group classes, personal training and nutrition programming in a non competitive private setting based on holistic principles of mind-body health and long term wellness strategies.


That’s a great deal for an amazing digital program!

Spot on

Tuesday is my favorite day of the week- Flow fit day!!! “Flow involves an unorthodox, but INTEGRATED approach to fitness not merely for the body, but for the whole person.” -Scott Sonnon Come flow with us, 6:30-7:30pm, Tuesday nights.

Mondays are for the lions! Go get your life!!! #tacfitmonday #bestdayoftheweek

Nora!! She teaches Yoga Basics on Wednesday’s from 6:30-7:30 pm. This class provides one the opportunity to refine alignment, and make space in the body for relaxation. She is also available for personal training.

No, this is not a ‘look how beautiful these foods are’ post. This is a descriptive reflection about food consumption, and how it’s not always ‘pretty’. Cashier: would you like apple, CHIPS, or BAGUETTE with that? 🤪💥😋🙃I feel out of body as my minds races through my options.... Chiiiiiiiips or breeeeeed? 🤦‍♀️🥊I know the nice lady offered me an apple, get the damn apple. Halfway through my meal, I realize I’m not really enjoying the food I’m eating. This makes me anxious. I stare longingly and awkwardly at other people’s carbs. Finally, It dawns on me...I do not need to feel pleasure from all the foods I eat. This fear, this apprehension, this worry, was a physical manifestation of the battle I just won against the ugly food monster inside of me. The food I chose was a gift of clean energy that would carry me through the rest of my day. Hell yeah! Go me! Suddenly, the rest of that meal tasted pretty dang good. 🤺Pull out your sword, and order the damn apple. 🍎🏆 #eatforfuel #uglyfoodmonster #winning

My purpose in life...? TO GET PEOPLE BACK IN THE GAME! This is not about athleticism, this is about being a capable human being. Everyone is eligible. We are all much more powerful than we think. As we travel through our fears and discomfort we gather the tools to go farther and climb higher than we ever imagined. Fitness is one of the most amazing and accessible vehicles into this new state of self. But it goes even beyond ourselves. All ships rise with the tide. We make ourselves better in order to make the world better. Your biggest fan, Coach Romanak Like my page for motivation and tactics on your journey. Eric Romanak Studio 270 Media Company Nathan Brandon Partake in Paducah

I can’t believe we get to host this workshop!!!

“They are not reps, they are opportunities for growth”. #cleanrepsonly #optimaloperation #mindset #fitnessaffirmation

Gluten free dark chocolate pecan cookies with bone broth protein 🤪🍪!!!! Better to skip the sugar all together! However, if you are going to indulge, Julie suggests packing in a punch of protein 👊💥!!! Message us any time to get in touch with our nutrition coach for meal planning, accountability, and more!!!

You are writing YOUR STORY. Whether it is being done conscientiously or on auto pilot, it’s still be written none the less. All story arcs generally follow the same format and plot points. When we leave behind who we were and go towards something bigger our story can unfold in the same way a movie or book does. An easily recognized plot point is called a “journey of achievement”. The hero identifies an external desire or struggle to overcome, and sets forth on a journey. For me, growing up as a bullied overweight kid made me want to elevate my status and be liked by more people. To me this looked like getting a nicer body and learning how to choke motherf%#?s out, so I could feel comfortable in my own skin. Not going to lie, it’s was a worthwhile journey. Here’s the interesting part, the journey of achievement is usually replaced by what’s called a “journey of transformation”. This is the part of your journey you don’t see coming. This is the part of the story that really intrigues people and has them rooting for you. It’s happens naturally because you have to keep digging deeper in order to keep going through the walls and obstacles of your achievement journey. Unless you quit of course. For me, being more confident with who I am completely uncovered my absolute NEED to help people and change the conversation about health and fitness. It is now my primary fuel in life. “With the death of our old identity comes the birth of our essence”. Write your story courageously and unapologetically. While you may seem obsessed in the eyes of some you will eventually find an unearthed peace that is priceless. Then you get to do it all over again when you start writing your sequel 😉

Looking for inexpensive yet totally awesome holiday gifts 🎁??????👀 Seva has your back! All shirts and buffs on sale now for only $10!!!
