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Satori Academy of Martial Arts Milltown/East Brunswick

388 Ryders Ln, Milltown, United States
Martial Arts School



Martial arts programs for children, teens and adults. Martial Arts and fitness for children, teens and adults.


QUALITIES OF A CHAMPION: BALANCE AND RATIONALITY In order to be an outstanding Martial Artist, we must have a good sense of balance. If we lose our balance in a fight, we could easily lose the fight. The keys to maintaining your balance are to stay calm, centered and focused. The parallel human quality to balance is rationality. To be rational means to think logically and clearly without emotion. It means to make intelligent decisions based on wisdom and character. Wisdom without character can lead to destructive, irrational decisions. But wisdom with strong character is the foundation of strong leadership and highly rational decisions. So let’s cultivate rationality in our daily lives just as we place importance in achieving balance in Martial Arts. Recall a time where staying calm helped in a challenging situation at work, with a spouse, or with children.

There are a lot of things that I don't know, but..... I don't know how electricity works. I don't know how to fly a plane. I don't know what it is like stand on top of Mount Everest. I don't know the fate of humankind. And I don't know the meaning of life. There are a lot of things that I don't know, but I do know a few things, and for that I am grateful. I know how to grow tomatoes. I know how to make tasty, dairy free banana nut pancakes. I know what it feels like to have a good friend. I know how to hit a heavy bag...really hard. I know that I always feel better after I help someone else( I need to do a better job of remembering this one). I know that life is an adventure, full of surprises and twists and turns.....most of them good, some of them.......not so much. Finally, I know that when I summon the courage to look life straight in the eye and embrace each experience with all that I have, it always presents me with an unexpected blessing. How about you, what do you know? - Kyoshi Dave Kovar

Martial Arts is a fantastic outlet for children. Get your child started today!

Who is your favorite superhero? Let us know in the comments!

Message of the Week - BRING OUT THE BEST The best coaches, parents, athletes, students and friends all have something in common—the ability to bring out the best. World-class coaches challenge their athletes to perform consistently at their best. The winning athlete is able to encourage themselves and their teammates to dig deeper and draw out that winning move or play. Successful parents also draw out the best in their children; to live up to a high moral standard and strive for excellence in life. Likewise, the most successful students & children are able to draw upon the best within themselves, shut out distractions, and focus on the long-term benefits of achieving their goals. A good friend is one who is supportive and encouraging when we are down; as well as one who celebrates our victories. A good friend always encourages us to be the best we can be—a sure sign that they are a friend. We all have the ability to bring out the best in ourselves and those around us. This week focus on who brings out the best in you and how you can bring out the best in others.

We’re back from our Thanksgiving break today! Hope to see you on the mats!

We hope you enjoyed your Turkey Day and enjoying a day of relaxation! Just a reminder, we are back on the mat tomorrow! See you then!
