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Millbrook First United Methodist Church

3350 Edgewood Rd, Millbrook, United States
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“Making Disciples of Jesus Christ”


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Today was a special day as Pastor Jerry commissioned Marissa Miller to take the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ into all the world as a missionary. She will work with Boys and Girls' clubs as well as the children of women in recovery for substance abuse. This commissioning and sending will strengthen the bonds we maintain with the community to which she is going and the prayers offered are an expression of the ties that bind us together in the larger body of Christ. Please pray for Marissa and encourage her by writing to her at the address listed in last week's bulletin.

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Our graduating seniors were honored Sunday with a celebration in the fellowship hall and a special presentation in the worship services.

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Join us tomorrow as we honor our graduates!

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Help send our kids to camp! Grab an envelope from the board located in the fellowship hall. Fill it with the amount on the front of the envelope. Pray for the children that will attend camp. Turn it in to the church office or place it in the offering basket. There are prizes in some of the envelopes, so choose wisely! All proceeds will be divided evenly among our kids to help offset the cost for parents. Thanks in advance for your support.

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Photos from Millbrook First United Methodist Church's post

The children gave a beautiful gift of song to all the mothers attending today's services. Happy Mothers' Day to all of our moms!

Photos from Millbrook First United Methodist Church's post

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We are so proud of you, Jared!

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Vacation Bible School is coming soon! "Maker Fun Factory" is the theme and it will be held June 13th - June 16th from 5 - 8:30 p.m. each night. We will decorate the church for VBS on June 11th. Training and prayer will be held on Monday, June 12th. Volunteers must attend the training session. You can registeer as a volunteer or sign your child up to attend here:

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Here's what's going on at church this week!

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Here's what's going on at church this week:

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Check out what's going on at church this week:

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From Jared: SUMMER CAMP (July 9-15) $50 deposit due by April 19th (there's an online pay option at! We'll have one more fundraiser and the money from it will be distributed only to those who have paid their deposits by the due date.

Joy for Johnny April 2017

It was a great day for an Easter Egg Hunt at this month's Joy for Johnny program! Every month, volunteers provide respite care for children and adults with special needs. This month, Stanhope Elmore High School's Junior ROTC Program volunteered to help with the program.

Joy for Johnny April 2017
