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State of Grace

927-A S. 8th Street, Suite 306, Manitowoc, United States
Alternative & Holistic Health Service


Massage Therapy, Yoga, Reiki, Skin Care, Intuitive Medium Readings Massage Therapy modalities I specialize in: Swedish, Deep Tissue, Myofascial,Thai Yoga, Lymph Drainage, Hot Stone, Oncology and Pre-Natal.  Each massage is a fusion of a little bit of these modalities individualized to each person's needs.

Reiki, is a gentle, peaceful, non-invasive energy therapy, which can provide an individual with healing and balance in all areas of their Being, including mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual.

Yoga classes allow you to experience an immersion of Meditation, Vinyasa Flow, Hatha, Restorative, Anusara Yoga while moving with your breath.  See where your yoga practice can take you, when you allow your mind to quiet and breath to deepen.  Move through each pose more mindfully, intern, becoming more mindful in your life.  Practice working on being in the present moment, being more present in your body and again finding yourself coming back to the most simplest form.....your breath.

Below are the two locations I am available at:

**State of Grace** Massage Therapy, Facials, Waxing, Reiki, Yoga, Intuitive     Readings
     7835 W. 38th Ave.  Wheat Ridge, CO                                303.941-7981

              ** Please call if you need more availability around your schedule.

**Following Bliss Yoga**  Yoga
    6478 Ward Rd.  Arvada, CO                                             303.941.7981
              Yoga CLasses                
              Sunday                  4:00pm~5:00pm   All Levels Yoga            
              Tuesday              11:00am~12:15pm Align & Flow


Let's talk about what we have control over....Our we show up. Is it always easy? No. But doesn't it feel maybe a little bit better in our minds and body, when we try and come from a place of Ease, instead of Pushing or Feeling like we are going up hill, maybe also known as Resistance? Practice and patience🙏 How have you created more Ease for just a moment on this day? Today I am taking some quiet time at the office to find my Ease🙏 ~T~

Today's Mantra: My happiness can be measured by the level of my faith in love.

Mindful Monday

Join owner, Theresa Falvey & Certified Peter Hess Sound Massage Therapist, Todd Larson; Join us for an evening to bring balance and healing back into the mind, body and spirit. *Space is LIMITED, Must register online here:, Go to "Schedule Now", then "Workshops" *$15 love offering *Dress in comfortable clothing *Bring a yoga mat if you have one Peter Hess Sound Massage offers an experience of soothing gentle vibrations, a peaceful and renewing state. Yoga Nidra also known as "Yogic Sleep", is done laying on your back or in a comfortable seated posture. The guided meditation is designed to induce a state of complete physical, mental and emotional relaxation. In a deep state of Yoga Nidra, One can access the innermost layers of the mind to remove or replace previous conditionings and imprint new ideas on the mind at the level where the programming exists, this makes it very effective for healing to occur at the deepest levels where the source causes illness and in balance lie. Any questions please feel free to email Theresa:

Did you know that certian oils and yoga poses resonate with the Chakras (energy centers) of the body? Essential oils can be used to help balance your energy (Chakras). Chakra healing has a profound effect physically, emotionally and spiritually. Clearing and balancing our Chakras with yoga, essential oils, breath and positive affirmation can easily and effectively, bring us back into a vibrant and healthy balance. *Please bring a Yoga Mat if you have one. Cost: $35 Pre-Registration is Required here:, "Schedule Now", then "Workshops" Only 8 Spots Available Any questions contact me here:

A Journey to a more Loving Relationship with Yourself The Journey starts with ourselves. Join me as we work together and individually, on creating a safe space where we work on awareness of stories and patterns in our lives along with old wounds. Healing starts within us and that is the intention we will hold for the class; while also learning different tools to nurture ourselves and to stay in awareness of what we can control. We will also then, learn how to either start to or continue to grow a more loving, positive relationship with ourselves. Cost: $50 Pre-registration is Required here:, "Schedule Now", then "Workshops" Only 8 Spots Available Light snacks & water will be provided, so please feel free to bring any other sort of food and drink you will need. Any questions contact me here:

✨Openings Tomorrow (Friday)✨ 11:00, 11:30, 4:00 Schedule Your Ataraxia Now:

✨Happy New Moon!✨

Only 3 Spots Left! Reserve your spot today!!
