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ZoJo Coffee

1335 14th Ave, # 100, Longview, United States
Coffee Shop



All elements of ZoJo Coffee are calculated to achieve excellence: our beans, carefully micro roasted;our hand crafted syrups; divinely foamed milk; espresso extracted to perfection.


Fun time at the lake this evening.. Original Beauty and the Beast on the jumbo screen and lots of local vendors out. Stop by and grab a sample of our delicious lavender mint if you're in the area.

When good ol Jack comes to visit..

"We've got a lovely bunch of coffee beans... All sitting nicely on a shelf..." Fresh roasted Thursday and ready for the taking.. Mention this post and check in on Facebook to get $1.00 off a pound.. This week's selection.. Guatemala Antigua Organic Mexican Chiapas Organic Colombian Valle Del Cauca And of course of House Blends 14th Avenue Espresso

Nice comfy chairs, relaxing atmosphere, and of course some delicious coffee.. Join us at 14th with Danielle and Caleb as your friendly neighborhood barista..

Our staff and family would like to thank all of the brave men and woman who have fought for the freedoms we enjoy. We also stand with the families of those who have lost a loved one.. We would like to encourage you to take time tomorrow and honor those who have bravely given their all. In order to give our staff, time with their own families we have chosen to observe the following hours.. 14th Ave Roaster - CLOSED Ocean Beach - 7:30a to 4:30p Happy Memorial Day

We have the privledge of having some amazing mother's on our team. As a thank you to their hard work both in the cafe and at home, we have chosen to be CLOSED tomorrow for mothers day.. Please join us at our Ocean Beach location where Caleb and John will be more than happy to serve your caffeinated needs..

Wishing everyone a happy easter and a blessed time with friends and family! EASTER HOURS Ocean Beach Cafe and Drive-thru ~ 8a-6p 14th Avenue Roaster will be CLOSED

Bring your sibling in for a delicious coffee or tea.. Get 50% off their beverage Yes, you do need to have your brother/sister come in with you. ;-)
