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Azure Hills Church

22633 Barton Rd, Grand Terrace, United States
Seventh Day Adventist Church



The Azure Hills Church is a dynamic community of over 2000 members with a warm, family atmosphere.   Our church is multicultural, with members coming from over 50 countries, and multigenerational, with many young adults and families with small children. We would love to have you join us for worship. And if you can't be with us in person, we provide a live video stream of our services at


Spectrum / Adventist Forum

Members will appreciate this inspiring story of one of our members.

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What is faith? I believe in God, is that faith? Yes, and so much more. During this sermon series, we will be challenged by a multidimensional view of faith that calls us to move to action in the face of difficulty and overcome what may seem impossible. Join Pastor Tara VinCross and the Azure Hills Church in discovering a faith that is: united, praying, persistent, rooted, and believing.

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Our block party for the community is just over a week away! We'll have food, booths, games, music, and fun for the whole family. Please join us in serving the community and having a great time.

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Photos from Azure Hills Church's post

We were honored to host the Grand Terrace Rec Center's 5th Annual Easter Egg Hunt last Sunday. There were games, food, booths, performances, and and an egg hunt. At our booth we did face painting and made balloon animals. Check out the pictures to see the fun!

Photos from Azure Hills Church's post

Azure Hills Church's cover photo

Azure Hills Church's cover photo

Live Worship - April 1, 2017

Last Sabbath we had a moving service as Craig and Deb Stottlemyer shared how their faith has responded to a life-altering event several years ago. It is a moving story you will be blessed to hear.

Azure Hills Church

Azure Hills Church

Photos from Azure Hills Church's post

We had an amazing time yesterday morning as the pastoral staff hosted the fourth annual Koinonia (55+) appreciation brunch. This year we had a Hawaiian Luau complete with a vegetarian roasted pig! Check out the pictures of the festivities.

Photos from Azure Hills Church's post

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We are excited to welcome a guest preacher to our pulpit this weekend, Pastor Keira Bullock. Pastor Bullock has been leading and hosting worship spaces for 20 years and has been the Worship Pastor at Papatoetoe SDA Community Church in Auckland, New Zealand for the past 10 years. She will lead us in a creative sermon experience tomorrow with a message titled, "Gallery of Potential." See you for worship and then stick around for our all-church potluck and farewell for Pastor John Choi.

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Join us this weekend as we say farewell to Pastor John Choi as he accepts a call to another church in the area. We will have an all-church potluck following second service this Sabbath to celebrate his ministry. If you are planning to join us, please bring enough food for 15 people based on the following assignments by last name: A-K; green salad, L-O; bread or dessert, P-Z; vegetables. See you there!

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Tomorrow morning Pastor Tara VinCross begins a sermon series titled, "The Potter and the Clay" based on Jeremiah 18. Tomorrow, she will focus on verses 1-3 with a sermon titled, "Clay." Please join us for this powerful worship experience.

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