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Peak Physique Fridley

1290 Osborne Road NE, Fridley, United States
Medical & Health



Fridley Transformation Center Fridley Transformation Center that helps you transform your body and reach your PEAK PHYSIQUE, become the absolute BEST version of yourself and NEVER go back.

Melt away fat in all of your problem areas through our fast effective workouts, and our easy to follow meal plans with actual food.

Gain supports that will help you transform your mind set forever.


What is Peak Physique?!

What is Peak Physique?!

Photos from Peak Physique Fridley's post

Never settle....Never be complacent....Never stop growing..... .....AND never get too comfortable! Gina completed the 6 week challenge, is continuing her transformation journey at Peak, and is crushing goals one by one! Way to go Gina! #PeakProud

Photos from Peak Physique Fridley's post

Photos from Peak Physique Fridley's post

Coach Justin Haselkamp continues to amaze us. This is his before and after photo 2 years in the making and a weight loss of 68 pounds! This transformation involved hard work, commitment to himself, his health, fitness, and nutrition. Now he is supporting others on their transformation journey! We are proud to call you one of our transformation coaches Justin! #PeakProud

Photos from Peak Physique Fridley's post

Sneak {peak} into leg day with Tim Moes! ;) #LiveAtYourPeak #PeakProud

Sneak {peak} into leg day with Tim Moes! ;)

 #LiveAtYourPeak #PeakProud

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Tim's Transformation story! We are proud of you Tim! "I started at Peak with a lot of pushing from Vicki Lynn, if it wasn't for her I would not be where I am at today! I started back in May of 2016 with the 6 Week Challenge, not knowing what I was getting myself into. I dedicated myself to the workouts and nutrition program. At that time I needed to lose weight but I end up coming out of this program with way more than that! Not realizing it at the time I was slowly slipping or eating my way into a form of depression. I had no energy and drive to do anything. When things got stressful I ate and drank. What has come out of this program is a new self confidence, you could say a new me. I have the mindset that what ever I set my mind to I can accomplish with hard work and dedication. Peak for me has been way more than a weight loss program. The friendship and support you gain the from people in every class are inspiring! The training staff are amazing and know how to draw that extra bit of effort out of you when you need it. They are always available to answer any question no matter what it is. Thank you everyone that has helped me along my journey it has just begun and I am excited to see what comes!" Thank you for sharing your story and inspiring others Tim! #PeakPhysiqueSpotlight #PeakProud #LiveatyourPeak

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As Coach Gina says.... It smells like pizza..... It taste like pizza...... It IS a healthy pizza..... There is no deprivation or starvation in healthy eating! All you have to do is "clean" up the ingredients and BOOM, you get to your goals!

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Annette has made great changes 3 weeks into the 6 week challenge. Excited with this lady.


Why did you show up to Peak Physique this morning?

Why did you show up to Peak Physique this morning?

Photos from Peak Physique Fridley's post

When you stick to the plan and put in hard work & dedication, great things happen! Alayna lost 17 pounds in the 6 week challenge and is continuing to crush goals one by one. Start your transformation in our next 6 week challenge. Learn more here -->

Photos from Peak Physique Fridley's post

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Are you ready to make a change - feel better, gain confidence, strength, energy and say goodbye to medications?! Reserve your spot in the next 6 week transformation challenge! Schedule Orientation Here >>> You will receive: - Personalized Nutrition plan - Accountability Coaches and Group - 6 weeks of Unlimited Training Sessions - A supportive and like minded family to help you accomplish your goals and make it a lifestyle change! CHALLENGE STARTING MONDAY JUNE 5TH, 2017 Learn more about the program and see if it's the right fit for YOU at orientation!

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PUSH YOURSELF to be the best version of YOU, to accomplish goals, to inspire others, and to live a healthy life. #LiveAtYourPeak

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Lacey's Transformation Story

Find inspiration in Lacey's Transformation Story. We're proud of you Lacey, keep up the awesome work! #PeakPhysiqueSpotlight #PeakProud #CelebrateEverySuccess


NEAR Peak Physique Fridley