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Chester United Methodist Church

12132 Percival St, Chester, United States
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Office Hours are Monday - Thursday - 8:30 am - 2:00 pm

Sunday Services:
Fresh Start - 8:30 am
The Bridge - 9:45 am
Traditional - 11:00 am

​* We  are handicap accessible!


Worship with us today at Chester United Methodist Church at 8:30/9:45/11! Message by Pastor Patrick Pillow. Special music by Craig Seal. All are welcome!

CUMC June/July 2017 Newsletter

CUMC June/July 2017 Newsletter

CUMC June/July 2017 Newsletter

CUMC June/July 2017 Newsletter

Wednesday Bible Study: Wednesdays at 3:00 PM in Room 205.

FROM REV DR JIM DAVIS: “It is a question of knowing God as He is, not as He may appear to us or as we may imagine Him. This is the heart of the mystery I have tried to describe as the beyond, and which is the key to the secret of intimacy with God and the substance of contemplative prayer.” (From In Search of the Beyond by Carlo Carretto)

Timeline Photos

Timeline Photos

Timeline Photos

YOU AND I Sunday, May 21 John 14:15-21 This week, Pastor Sylvia preaches on John 14: 15-21 and the promise of the Holy Spirit. In this passage, we are reminded that Jesus will not leave us orphaned and will send us the Holy Spirit to guide our way. While Jesus’ physical presence has been removed, it is replaced by a spiritual awakening of Christ in each of us! By preparing us to receive the Holy Spirit, Pastor Sylvia shares that it not only opens endless possibilities in growing our God relationship, but it also increases the expectation and responsibility on our own shoulders to be Christ in the world. While we will not always meet that standard, it is the goal for all who believe. Through personal, prayerful reflection and remarks on the recent James River District Pastor’s Retreat, Pastor Sylvia shares with us these concerns from God: “are you taking time to be with me?”, “please look for me in the world around you.” From Pastor Patrick S. Pillow

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FROM REV DR JIM DAVIS: “Faith is not some weak and pitiful emotion, but is strong and vigorous confidence built on the fact that God is holy love. Faith is the supreme effort of your life-throwing yourself with abandon and total confidence upon God. The real meaning of eternal life is a life that can face anything it has to face without wavering.” (From My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers)

FROM REV DR JIM DAVIS: “The more we dare to show our whole trembling self to God, as did the ancients who prayed the Psalms, the more we will be able to sense that God’s love, which is perfect love, casts out our fears, purifies our thoughts and heals our hatred.” (From Spiritual Direction by Henri Nouwen)

Worship with us today at Chester United Methodist Church at 8:30/9:45/11! Message by Pastor Sylvia Meadows. Special music by Peyton Lassiter.

FROM REV DR JIM DAVIS: “In the soul’s fellowship with God in prayer, too, there are things which can and should be formulated in words. But there are also things for which we can find no words. Prayer is really an attitude of our hearts toward God. It is this faculty which lifts the fellowship of human beings to such a high plane and makes it so rich. (From Prayer by O. Hallesby)

FROM REV DR JIM DAVIS: “Jesus at Nazareth taught us to live every hour of the day as saints. Every hour of the day is useful and may lead to divine inspiration, the will of the Father, the prayer of contemplation—holiness. Every hour of the day is holy. What matters is to live it as Jesus taught us.” (From Letters from the Desert by Carlo Carretto)
