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Talking Water Gardens

577 Waverly Dr NE, Albany, United States
Sports & Recreation



Talking Water Gardens is free and is open sunrise to sunset Talking Water Gardens is an innovative public/private partnership for engineered wetland science. Partners include the cities of Albany and Millersburg, as well as specialty metals producer ATI Wah Chang.


City of Albany staff and consultants will be performing maintenance work at the Albany-Millersburg Talking Water Gardens treatment wetland, 577 Waverly Drive NE, beginning Monday, October 9, 2017, and continuing for several weeks. Flow to the wetland will be turned off and water levels will remain low to allow study of water movement through the wetland and to perform routine maintenance. Vehicles and other equipment will be on site, staff will be performing work and taking measurements, and some pathways may be temporarily closed throughout the work period. With the exception of one day during the week of October 9, Talking Water Gardens is expected to remain open to the public. Signage will be placed at the entrance with daily information. Updates on any closures will be provided on the Talking Water Gardens Facebook page at

Has anyone else been seeing the Great Egret out at TWG??

City staff were joined last week by ODFW Biologists to explore native western pond and western painted turtle population recovery at our very own Talking Water Gardens.

The Dragonflies were 'hanging out' yesterday! Who else has Dragonfly/insect photos from TWG?

Hot air balloons making an appearance over TWG yesterday

What's that bright green stuff on the water? Many people mistake it for algae, but it's really a floating water plant commonly known as "duckweed." The ducks love it (not surprisingly 😄) and it's a sign of a healthy wetland. Wow, the color is so brilliant right now! 🦆+🌱= duckweed!

Sharing this nice article about our very own Talking Water Gardens!

The Procession of the Species and Earth Day Celebration is this Saturday 4/22 at 10 am at the downtown Albany Farmers' Market. There will be lots of information about the enviroment, fun activities and give aways. Come dressed as your favorite Talking Water Gardens species and celebrate nature :).

What a beautiful day it was at Talking Water Gardens today! We had so many visitors soaking up the sun (and our resident reptiles, too!) and had a great tour with some high school students, learning about water treatment. It's the weekend - come out for a stroll!

Crowdsourcing: Does anyone have a great picture of people enjoying Talking Water Gardens that you wouldn't mind sharing? Preferably from a nice day showing off the beauty of the place with people walking/viewing. A travel magazine wants to do an article and would like pictures with people and we mostly have photos of plants, water and wildlife! Just post a photo to our wall or message it with a note that we can share and who we should give photo credit to for those that we send along. Thanks!

Nice day for a brisk walk around TWG! Inadvertently scared off a blue heron but captured this evidence. 😄❄️
