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Outpost Church

Woodchurch Community Centre, Woodchurch, United Kingdom
Religious Organization



Stanhope, Ashford, Kent: We meet together in the Woodchurch Community Centre most Sundays at 10.30am for coffee, tea and food and then spend some time looking into what the Bible means for us today. Children have an exciting time too – they join in with ‘Adventurers' to discover exciting Bible stories, watch DVDs, make things and play games! We round off the morning with prayer, songs and more coffee. Please check our 'Sunday Service' page on our website for full details.



Come and join us for our all age service tomorrow morning (29th April) at 10:30am - Woodchurch Community Centre, TN26 3SQ. Hope to see you there as we continue our series in the book of Jonah.

Yesterday at Outpost Church

FUN DAY! 28th April 2018, 9.30am to 12.30pm (Registration from 9.20), for primary school age BBQ to follow from 12.30pm onwards. Parents are welcome to have food too! Lots of themed games, challenges and bouncy castle fun all within the grounds of the Woodchurch Community Centre! (Lower Road, Woodchurch Nr. Ashford, Kent, TN26 3SQ). Through exciting games, crafts, lessons, and songs we will dive deep into the amazing story of Jonah!

Come and join us for worship tomorrow morning (22nd April) at 10:30am - Woodchurch Community Centre, TN26 3SQ. Hope to see you there as we continue our series in the book of Jonah.

"I know it is because of me that this great tempest has come upon you.” Jonah 1:12 When we flee God we do not enjoy his present hand of comfort and peace on our life, but rather we experience his present hand of correction steering us back to himself. In what areas of our lives are we experiencing a storm reminding us that we are fleeing from the Lord?

Come and join us for worship tomorrow morning (15th April) at 10:30am - Woodchurch Community Centre, TN26 3SQ. Hope to see you there as we continue our new series in the book of Jonah.

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Instead of running from God filled with fear, let us run towards him filled with faith, hope and peace. 'Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.' James 4:8

Come and join us for worship tomorrow morning (8th April) at 10:30am - Woodchurch Community Centre, TN26 3SQ. Hope to see you there as we start our new series in the book of Jonah.

Such a joy to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus today!

‘For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.' 2 Cor 5:21


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