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Fishtail Arts & Astrology

Tynemouth Market, Tynemouth, United Kingdom
Arts & Entertainment



Fishtail Arts & Astrology offers beautiful personalized horoscopes, astrology readings, 6 month astrology forecasts and other astrological paraphernalia. personalized horoscopes £30
6 month handwritten forecast £30
Horoscope reading £25
Astronomical astrology maps £15 - £30
Personalized cards £8
venusian weekend earring pouches £7
secret maps captured in handkerchiefs £6.50

£2.50 post and packing


A New Moon can happen anywhere in your horoscope. The coming New Moon, which is also an eclipse this month because it is close to the Transiting South Node, is in Pisces at 8*. This can effect different people in different ways. For instance, if you have nothing in Pisces, or any tight major aspects to 8* Pisces, then only the house it falls in will be activated. So if 8* Pisces is in your 10th House then you can expect a little bit of a new beginning in your work/ reputation. Only a little bit of a new beginning though, unless you had been working towards something in that area, because it is not strongly aspected. So, if Pisces 8* is unaspected or not an important area of your life right now, it may be you barely notice the New Moon. However, if you have a planet at that degree, well then, you have a WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY to begin something new, related to that planet, in that house. To continue with the example of Pisces in 10th, if you have the Sun at that degree, or within a few degrees, then you probably will have some glory to do with work. (For those of you with your birthday between 22nd Feb and 2nd March then your Sun is a few degrees around 8* Pisces.) If you have disappointment and not glory (something will definitely occur) then that is a reflection of your Solar nature. The same with any planet there, if a New Moon brings something difficult, it is a reflection of how you are expressing that planet in the first place. You need to learn to express all these planetary energies/ archetypes positively. So you need to look at your horoscope. Then you can increase the blessings by preparing your mind, ready for 26th February, at 3 pm. If you don't know or have nothing in Pisces, at the very least trim your toenails! The example above is for 10th House Sun in Pisces. If your Sun is in another house, 4th say, then a new something in your home would be likely.

Astrology Workshops

Astrology Workshops

Untitled Album

Untitled Album

Some people presume astrology is totally imaginary, like Tarot, as if imaginary is somehow less than physical things, like surgery or massage or drugs. Physical things have a power over our physical bodies. And imaginary things have a power over our imagination. I don't know many people who believe their imagination does not have an effect on their feelings; there are more who believe their imagination does not have an effect on their physical body. But before I tell you the common misconception I just want to say that the physical body takes time to manifest changes. Though surgery or accidents can obviously make immediate impressions, the body takes time to heal. The body readjusts over time. The changes in the body are atomic, multiplying with momentum. So when you use your imagination to effect the physical world it takes time to physically manifest a new way, a new character, a new flow. You know this. So when a non physical influence from a planet effects your imagination and your body, its influence is subtle and over time. The misconception is that the influence from a physical body in the universe makes sense, like magnetism, or electricity. Or perhaps that new quantum reality of particles that have been split from a parent particle, spin the same way. Something happens over distance that is not physical but it has an influence. Astrologers for thousands of years have noted this synchronicity. As an astrologer I can show you how to work with this influence but I don't know how the influence happens. But if you want to see that there is an influence, that synchronicity with the planets effects your world, then really, you must watch the transits of your own horoscope.

This is how it is going to be: the pavements will still be grey but today they are dry. There may still be litter in the street, accidentally blown through town by the enthusiastic wind yet the world is peaceful. Gone is the angst and the drive to fight traffic, no more does anyone bother moaning about the weather or the price of eggs. Words are precious. In the future of this future the cars have given way to buses; glorious buses! Gorgeously upholstered with damask and soft patterns of dusky roses edged with ivory satin ribbon. And clean, the smell of natural lemon wafts around the spacious, comfortable and direct buses. But best of all, buses filled with neighbours. Teenagers and elderly going to the shops or school, or their first interview. You, in black linen off to work, glad for routine and the peace of doing your bit for the country. But now I digress in to an unnecessary communist stance because although I foresee a time when the roads are cracked and chives push through the dark veins of the tarmac and turbines whirr and chug, to give us, in today's terms, rationed heating, I see better days. I see a future where our souls are nourished. I see a future where kindness, compassion, patience and understanding of this mystical life is experienced by all. I see a time when each of us, every single one of us, is deeply aware of the mysterious influences that move between us....when mystical arts are practiced daily.

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Astrology Workshops

Astrology Workshops

Mind Body Spirit Fair at The Vault Well-Being Centre

Mind Body Spirit Fair at The Vault Well-Being Centre
