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St John's Church, Upper Studley, Trowbridge

340 Frome Road, Trowbridge, United Kingdom
Church/religious organization



St John’s is a CofE church which aspires to be welcoming and inclusive. We believe that every person matters and invite you to join us. Whoever you are, wherever you are from, you are welcome here.

St John’s is to be found on Frome Road in Trowbridge and is a parish church covering the south west of the town.  We are a Church of England or Anglican church where we welcome anyone who wishes to worship the Lord through Jesus Christ his son.
The main service is at 10am every Sunday morning but there are other (generally quieter) services throughout the week. An Emmaus Group meets every Tuesday between 9:30 and 10:30 in church for silent prayer and meditation.

Please visit our website for information on services, baptism, weddings, booking the hall or directions:

St John’s is an inclusive church where we aim to welcome all.  Should you wish to organise a wedding or a baptism in our church you could visit our website for more details or phone our vicar, Reverend Selina Deacon, on 01225 713662.  

The parish of Studley St John is part of the Trowbridge Area Group Ministry within the Deanery of Bradford on Avon and Diocese of Salisbury.

We have a Facebook group page on which we share our news. You are welcome to join this group too.

Sunday School (Son Seekers) takes place during the 10am Parish Communion.  Normally children come back into church halfway through the service so that they can join in with their parents.

For further details contact or ring Carole Price on 01225 350833.

We also have a church hall which is off Frome Road behind the church building.  The hall is available for hire for parties, meetings and such like.  If you are interested in making a booking please ring John Roxburgh on 01225 752124.

St John’s Honeypot, a day-care centre for the elderly meets on Mondays in the Church Hall from 12 noon until 4:00 pm. It is run with the backing of the local Social Services.

The 1st Studley Rainbows, Brownies and Guides are sponsored by St Johns and meet in the Church Hall.
Rainbows    Wednesday 5:30 to 6:30     
Leader Sharon Roberts    01225 777954
Brownies    Monday 6:15 to 7:30      
Leader Julie Bennett       01225 769417
Guides    Tuesday 6:45 to 9:00      
Leader Jane Margetts    01225 345129

A Toddler Group meets in the Hall on Wednesday mornings 10 to 11:30 during term time. All parents are welcome and it provides a good place for children to play together safely.
Contact is Kerry Lewis on 01225 751218.



NEAR St John's Church, Upper Studley, Trowbridge