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Joanne Eagle Pilates

34 Little Birches, London, United Kingdom
Yoga Studio



My classes are mixed ability and I welcome both men and women regardless of experience. £6 per session payable in advance. Call me on 07956 210326 to book.


Hello all! It’s been a while since I posted but it’s been busy! We all lead very busy lives and it’s hard to fit in time for ourselves but you’ve all made an excellent choice in practicing Pilates (whatever your reason) I like to think we have a bit of fun together every week. It’s not work to me, it’s a passion and I hope that shines through in my classes. I cannot believe we’re into our 5th week of classes since the summer break! It’ll soon be Half term, Halloween, Bonfire night then ultimately Christmas! Life passes by so quickly...... Lovely classes so far this week, let’s keep it going! J xx

Looking forward to starting classes again this week. Back to the normal timetable and raring to go!! See you all in class! Xx

So I'm now on my first day of a 5 week break! I wish all my clients and their families a fantastic summer! Don't forget the extra classes at Blackfen 16th, 23rd and 30th August 7.30pm. See you there if you have booked on, if not, classes resume as normal 4th September. Enjoy that summer sun and fun!! 😎👙🌞🥂🍾

Using small balls this week, improving those abdominals, pelvic stability and strengthening the back. Try it and see!

2 great classes today folks, thank you for coming in this heat! Sessions will not be too strenuous reflecting how we are feeling this week. Please remember to keep hydrated and bring a bottle of water to class. I'll be gentle this week I promise xx

Some of my clients have asked if I could do a class during the summer break as the 5 weeks was far too long last year! Well I am now able to confirm that I can have Blackfen school Wednesdays at 7.30pm. All of my clients across all my evening classes are welcome. The days will be 16th, 23rd and 30th August (I'll be on holiday for the first 2 weeks of August!) If you would like to come along please send me a text as I can only take a certain amount of people for health and safety reasons. If you are on a course you can use what you have paid for or just pay £6 on the day. Mobile is 07956210326 This is open to my existing clients only. Thank you!! Xx

Well it's been a hectic week off for me. I've been a London tourist a couple of times during the week and have been totally shocked by the terror attack. Too close for comfort. I've also been on a hen weekend in Liverpool and now feeling ready to get back to class! I'm hoping all my clients and their friends and families are safe, and I'm looking forward to seeing you all this week xx

This is just a reminder that everyone needs to bring a mat with them to class, I cannot let you do the class without one as it isn't safe. I don't carry spares just the 2 that I use in class as I just could not manage them. Also, it's much more hygienic to use your own! It is also polite etiquette to get to class on time as it disrupts the rest of the class. This is particularly important if I am explaining how to use equipment safely especially if it's for your first time using it. Thank you for your continued support x

2 great classes this evening and 2 full houses!! Let's be mindful of the space around us and how much space other people need too. I'm sure the person next to you won't mind moving up a little if they are asked 😊

Great classes today with the ball. Funniest quote of the day so far...... 'I kept getting cramp in my feet tonight, and I had a banana before class!'


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