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Sally Hamilton Psychic Medium

Barleyfield, Shrewsbury, United Kingdom
Astrologist & Psychic



I have over 30 years experience working as a Psychic Medium  


Today's Wisdom of Avalon card brings us beauty at a time of ugly deeds

I've had some amazing opportunities in my life from working doing minor stunts/photoshoot work, to being the wife of a CEO of a major plc, having supported him on the way up and having 3 wonderful children with him, to being able to give psychic readings, to owning an equestrian stud farm, to becoming disabled and as a result of a self search to become medication and pain free am now being able to provide therapy and help to those with tendon and soft tissue injuries. The chapters in my life have all been fantastic in their own way. Each thing life throws my way has always had its reason, however challenging. 😍

Come see me today

Now taking appointment bookings for May 2018, as April is fully booked. Xx

Come along, will be a good day

An online class on connecting to your animal spirit. £5 payable in advance. A link will be sent to you to attend the lecture prior to the 23/6/18. Please message to book.

I am going to be teaching again. Will be a fun and informative day. 😊

Last appointment available in April 2018: Sunday 22/4/18 @ 2pm Message to book.

My Animal Spirit/Guide is a She Wolf. Would you like to discover which animal is yours and the meanings behind it? Watch this space for further details about an online lecture that I will be doing. This link gives details:

Living my life with calm and quiet determination as a disabled person took me a long journey to achieve. I've screamed/been angry, I've cried with frustration, I've been depressed/sad and I've asked "why me?". None of which achieved much. During my struggles of dealing with my claim for PIP and ESA, I found the stress of jumping through the government's hoops to get such a paltry amount of money both degrading and disgusting. So, I sat back and made a plan of action that I could be capable of doing. Each persons capability differs hugely even with the same disability, but making that plan helped me become calm (my PTSD became more manageable) and I became more determined to live life to the fullest I can (still have days I crash and don't see the world, but I now cherish them as my healing days). My mental attitude slowly changed and I even found therapies that helped with my pain levels so am 95% drug free now, only taking them on extreme days which have got fewer and fewer the more I do the therapies. But being determined to find them was part of the key. My recent op has set me back and having more crash days than I desire currently, but life is getting overall better.


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