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Bantham and Ongar Tai Chi

Bantham and Ongar Bowls Club, Weald Bridge Road, North Weald, United Kingdom
Sports & Recreation



This is a Tai Chi class held every Wednesday evening at Bantham and Ongar Bowls Club in North Weald, Essex. Beginners are always welcome.


Classic Yang Form; Part Two

Well, that’s it, Christmas is almost upon us so there will be no more classes now until 2018 when we start again on the 10th of January. Looking back on 2017, I can honestly say that it’s been a thoroughly enjoyable year. We had a few people leave our class, which was a shame, but we also had a few new people join us, which was great! [ 174 more words ]

This me doing the first part of the form. Video has become an important tool for practice, it allows you to see the difference between what it feels like you are doing and what you actually are doing!

It's taken me far too long to sort it out but at last, we now have a website! Visit us at 😊☯️

I'm looking forward to tonight's lesson, it's going to be a little bit special as on the 3rd of August last year I taught my first class. It's amazing to think that this will mark the end of my first year as a Tai Chi instructor! It has flown by, I've enjoyed every minute and have learned a lot too! Huge thanks to everyone who has ever attended my classes and especially to the regulars who have been there from the start. And if any of you out there feel like giving it a go, then you will be very welcome to either get in touch or to just come along to the class and join in!

So, this weekend it's the Bantham and Ongar Bowls Club open weekend on the 13th and 14th May. I'll be there on both days from 10:30 to 14:30 and will be happy to give demonstrations of the Yang style Tai Chi forms that I teach and answer any questions about my classes. If you're interested then come along and see me, and if you know someone who might be interested, then tell them to come along too! I hope to see you there. ☯️

Are you interested in Tai Chi but want to have a look before committing to a class? Why not come along to the Bantham and Ongar Bowls Club open weekend on 13th and 14th of May. I'll be doing a couple of demonstrations on both days and will be on hand to answer any questions about my classes. Anyone is welcome, you might even want to try your hand at bowls too! I'll post more details about start and finish times soon...

Bantham and Ongar Tai Chi's cover photo

Bantham and Ongar Tai Chi's cover photo

Bantham and Ongar Tai Chi

Bantham and Ongar Tai Chi
