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Present Time - By Linni

Connel Crescent, Mauchline, United Kingdom
Gift Shop



Always open xx


Thanks for all the enquiries peeps however unfortunately due to other commitments I am unable to attend any Christmas Fairs this year. I will really miss meeting up with everyone and meeting new people as well as bringing to you all some nice wee items. I hope you all have a lovely Christmas and a Happy Healthy New Year when it comes. Luv linni XXX

Few more items for tomorrow at Muirkirk fayre from 1pm to 4pm always a great fayre looking forward to seeing you all xx

Few more pieces priced up tonight. Please feel free to pm me for any info xx

(Paige) and I would like to share with you some of our little picks so far that we have for 2016 she has really got into it and in her words designed (lol) where she wanted them to be placed and even took the pictures for posting this year so all credit to my wee helper. One proud mama,. Any enquiries please feel free to pm me. Hope everyone is enjoying the October break and it's nice to see the sun shinning for us all xx

Hi folks it's been almost a year since I've posted on my Present Time page but I hope you are all well and getting into the spirit of our little Elf's getting ready to make an appearance (he he he) and getting organised for the old man making his yearly visit. I CAN'T WAIT!!! and now that all the chaos in our own mad house is at a fairly normal level I am ready to resume my passion of Christmas picking and crafting and can't wait to upload some of the new Xmas picks for 2016 xx Keep a wee eye out for dates of various events I will be attending from now until Xmas but for the moment can anyone who wishes to place an order for a fresh wreath please get in touch asap as I will need to close order book mid Nov this year as last year these really took off and I already have a lot of repeat orders from the last 2 years (which I really appreciate). Also if there is anything someone would like made etc from past years that I don't put an image up of this year please feel free to pm me anytime. Take care peeps its good to be back in amongst all the glitter!!!! Xxx
