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Combat Revival

3 Little Street Mill, Macclesfield, United Kingdom
Massage Service



sports massage, diet and nutrition, athletic and kinesiology taping why Combat Revival? Because you will feel beat up after you see me, but when you wake up 2 days later you will feel like completely new person! :)



5 GREAT REASONS TO HAVE A MASSAGE *recover better after exercise - massage eases muscle stiffness, swelling and soreness *create better posture and relieve aches from poor posture - deep tissue massage is a great way to address issues of low back pain , shoulder tightness and stiff neck related to long hours of slouching over the desk *improve circulation and detox - give your skin a boost through increase of oxygen in the blood and release toxins in the muscles *boost your mood due to activating parasympathetic nervous system *get a better night sleep - massage can help with anxiety, stress, insomnia and sleep insufficiency

Im recent weeks number of my clients found themselves covered in colourful tape. It seems like a gimmick, but it so much more to it. The list of kinesiology tape benefits is so extensive and so varied, it has earned the nickname “magic tape.” It is no wonder that it has become one of the most widely-used therapeutic modalities in both athletic and healthcare settings. The physical benefits of kinesiology tape include: *Pain Relief Although it contains no medications or topical substances, kinesiology tape can effectively relieve both acute and chronic pain. Its elasticity lifts the skin slightly, which immediately reduces pressure on sensitive pain receptors under the skin. In addition, its stimulating effect on pain pathways provides a competitive stimulus that blocks pain signals going to the brain. This is especially effective for pain from “hot” injuries, where the intensity of the pain is out of proportion to the severity of the injury. *Reduced Swelling and Inflammation Reduced pressure on the lymphatic drainage channels enhances removal of fluids and other materials that collect in an injured area. This applies not only to sports injuries, but also to post-surgical recovery and other inflammatory conditions, including lymphedema (severe swelling of the extremities.) *Accelerated Recovery from Bruises and Contusions One of the most dramatic effects of kinesiology taping is the removal of blood that accululates under the skin due to bruising. The k-tape is applied in a fan pattern over the bruised area and the bruising is dissipated via the same lifting mechanism described above. Within a couple of days a distinct fan pattern can be seen where the tape was applied over a bruised area. *Prevents and/or Relieves Muscle Spasms and Cramping Enhanced circulation improves delivery of oxygen and nutrients to overused or fatigued muscles, helping to prevent or relieve spasms and cramps. *Speedier Recovery of Overused Muscles Fatigued, overused muscles contain byproducts of exercise (such as lactic acid) that contribute to pain and stiffness and limit the ability to continue exercising. When kinesiology tape is used over these areas, enhanced removal of these byproducts allows for more rapid recovery. Combined with improved delivery of oxygen via enhanced bloodflow, this could translate into improved performance in an endurance event or more complete recovery between repetitive, high intensity events. *Supports Injured Muscles and Joints without Restricting Range of Motion The unique elastic properties and application techniques of kinesiology tape allow it to provide support to injured muscles or joints without restricting range of motion. *Allows Athletes to Remain Active while Injured This is one of the most important benefits of kinesiology taping for competitive athletes. Depending on how it is applied, kinesiology tape can prevent either overstretching or over-contraction of injured muscles. When combined with its pain relieving and anti-inflammatory properties, this can allow athletes to continue training and/or competing as their injuries heal. *Enhances Strength and Muscle Tone in Weak or Poorly-Toned Muscles Certain neurological or muscular disorders can make muscles so weak that it is almost impossible to do the exercises that are critical to improve daily functioning. Kinesiology tape not only provides support to these muscles, but it can also improve muscle activation, allowing therapeutic exercises to be carried out more effectively. One of the major uses in this category is with infants and young children with hypotonia, poor muscle tone that limits their ability to learn to sit up, crawl, etc. A simple application of kinesiology tape can improve posture and assist in mobility.

The sports massage therapy can be applied to any soft tissue problem, from postural issues to repetitive strain injury. It is a deep tissue treatment incorporating different techniques which aims to decrease muscle tension , improve flexibility of muscles and joints, and to assist the body systems function at their optimum level. Sports massage can be used as a part of training programme to help prevent injury, and a part of rehabilitation programme to treat injury, but can also be applied to muscular aches and pains experienced from everyday life, especially RSI. So whether you're an office worker or an athlete,sports massage can help relieve muscular tension and in doing so reduce pain, facilitate movement and encourage relaxation. To book your appointment call Aggie on 07767296422.

Does massage have real health benefits? Personally I believe it does. Every person who came to me with either injury, tension, pain or stress left feeling better after the treatment. Pain reduction and depression relief are the benefits most consistently linked to massage. There is number of studies which have linked massage with real physical and psychological benefits: *10 minutes massage after workout can reduce soreness by 30% *massage can reduce level of stress hormone cortisol by 31% *massage can increase level of feel-good hormones like dopamine and serotonin by 30% Different forms of self-massage (including foam rollers) can reduce muscle soreness and improve pain symptoms. But there is nothing more relaxing than great massage by professional therapist - book in a session to experience benefits of massage by yourself. More details on massage benefits on article below from TIME magazine.

Do you know someone who suffer from back pain, neck and shoulder pain or sciatica? Do you know someone who suffer from stress or anxiety? Or you know someone who just need a bit of pampering? Massage can be perfect remedy for number of conditions. So why not to treat your loved one to a great session of sports or deep tissue massage? *** gift vouchers now available ***

Massage is generally considered part of complementary and alternative medicine. It's increasingly being offered along with standard treatment for a wide range of medical conditions and situations. Studies of the benefits of massage demonstrate that it is an effective treatment for reducing stress, pain and muscle tension. While more research is needed to confirm the benefits of massage, some studies have found massage may also be helpful for: Anxiety Digestive disorders Fibromyalgia Headaches Insomnia related to stress Myofascial pain syndrome Soft tissue strains or injuries Sports injuries Temporomandibular joint pain Beyond the benefits for specific conditions or diseases, some people enjoy massage because it often produces feelings of caring, comfort and connection.

If you feel like taking yoga the best place in town is Pure Yoga, with Andrew Wren.

If you interested in taking pilates, Hannah Burrows is one of best instructores I know :)
