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Jan's Sugar Flowers

Knottingley, Knottingley, United Kingdom
Bridal Shop



Hand made Sugar Flowers for Cake Decorating Sugar Flowers for special occasion cakes. High quality Flowers & Arrangements hand made and provided for decorating your own cakes!  Made to order to suit your own requirements.



Hi everyone, sorry I haven’t been on for a while but busy, busy, busy! I’ve been sorting out a venue and dates for my very first Work Shop for making Wired Sugar Flowers. I mentioned it a awhile ago and if those who messaged me as being interested can get back in touch I’ll let you have the details. Thank you x

Happy New Year everyone. I'll be starting my Sugar Flower Workshops this year, so exciting times ahead! Just thought I'd add a photo of an arrangement made for fun out of some reject and damaged flowers! No point in wasting them when I can use them to practice! xx

Well another year nearly over! I've been very busy this year and it looks pretty much the same for 2018. I'd like to thank all my lovely customers for their continued support and wish you all a very merry Christmas and a great New Year xxx

New beginnings in the New Year! I'm looking at doing some workshops to teach how to make wired sugar flowers. I need to check out a few things first as most of you know I'm self taught so don't have qualifications but it's looking good so far xx

Some I did earlier in the year for a wedding cake. The beautiful cake was made by Emma Budrys. x

Just a couple more photos of some of my flowers and a Christening cake I did (don't normally do cakes though!)

Some flowers I made for a lovely lady Najiya who makes beautiful cakes, as you can see from the photo. You can find her on Facebook at Woodedge Cake Design x

At Drax Sports and Social Club at the Craft Fair x

Hi and welcome to my page. All my flowers and foliage are hand made from sugar paste by me. Although the sugar paste is edible my work involves using wires and floristry tape therefore they're not edible and for decoration only. I know it seems silly to make flowers out of sugar paste and use them for cakes when you can't eat them but the reason is simple. I do them this way so I can create more delicate, realistic flowers which can be removed and saved if you so wish. I colour my own sugar paste and colour dust the petals, leaves etc., to create some depth and realism. Every petal, leaf, berry is made and attached individually. The reason I'm giving out this information is to give you some insight into what goes into making them. They take time and patience and a whole lot of passion from me x

I will be having a stall at my very first Craft and Gift fair this August at Drax Sports and Social club in Selby. It's in aid of charity so if you can, why not pop along and have a look x

I don't often do cakes but my sister gave me a free reign for her 50th Birthday cake so I did her a rustic basket of flowers x

Some recent flowers for customers. I'm very busy at the moment and loving it! Hope I can find the time to do enough for the craft fair in August😳 xx
