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Garioch Theatre Festival

Wyness Hall, Inverurie, United Kingdom




Many thanks to all who helped us to bag pack at Morrisons Inverurie store to raise finds for Garioch Theatre Festival. We made a wonderful £632.60. Much appreciated.

Festival over for another year. many thanks to all who were a part of it and all who came as audiences to support it.

Juliette Burton: Writer Performer

Juliette Burton: Writer Performer

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Tomorrow's show, Saturday is with Scott Armstrong, former student of MSD at 7.30pm in Brush Up Your Shakespeare, a musical journey through the songs from Broadway and Hollywood hits (and a few flops) inspired by and based upon the works of William Shakespeare.

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Juliette Burton: Writer Performer

Still tickets available for 'Decision Time' tomorrow. Will be a fantastic show!

Juliette Burton: Writer Performer

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Juliette Burton is with us tomorrow, Friday with a brand new piece which she is taking to Edinburgh Fringe - Decision Time at 8pm/

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Popular company, Fleeman Productions with us tomorrow night, Thursday, with Guts.

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Tomorrow's show - Wednesday is Your Bard with Nicholas Collett at 7.30pm. Also free workshop with him at 4.30, open to anyone aged 12 and above.

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"Brush Up Your Shakespeare"

"Brush Up Your Shakespeare"

Review of RARA's production of Joanne - Tall Girl Done Wrong Another great show from the Garioch Theatre Festival, with more shows to come throughout the week. Tuesday "Joanne" 8pm, Wednesday "Your Bard" by Nicholas Collett 7:30pm, Thursday "Guts" by Charles Barron (Fleaman) 7:30pm, Friday "Decision Time" by Juliette Burton 8pm, Saturday "Brush up your Shakespeare" (Music) 7:30pm, Sunday "Anither Helpin o' Sex, Stovies & Stories" 7pm at Mitchell's The Dairy Cafe. "Joanne" a play of five monologues written by five writers, was performed by five young talented actresses with strong links to the Garioch area of North East Scotland, at the Wyness Hall, Inverurie. The groundwork of the story is laid by Alison Sandison as Stella, a care worker on her last day of employment. We become aware this is a tale of the release of a fragile girl, Joanne, from prison who has serious mental health issues. Hints of errors and bureaucratic failings and lack of resources and 'Care' lace the whole play. Alison held the room silent as nuance and pacing varied with the story. From a spartan set, coordinated movement, lighting change and music from Bjork that was referenced in the text allowed changes of performer with all five performers remaining on stage throughout. Rosalind Watt, played a single mother and police officer who reviewed her own life in comparison to that of the title character. The spectre of a lenient but possibly wrong decision is left in the air. Of particular note was Rosalind's variation in tempo and voice as well her restrained physicality. The third section was, I felt the best written section, with Claire Gauld playing the part of 'the Face of the NHS'. She is an overworked and struggling receptionist at an A&E ward who's anxiety levels are painful. Claire keeps a level of tension throughout while also handling comedic moments that is greatly to her credit. Next Maren Mitchell, played a highly educated Care manager ('technician') in a horrid sounding hostel. Maren twists a range of self centred view, knowledge of the system but an inability to be able to do what is necessary, with heart and subtlety. All the characters portray an element of pathos in their caring attitude yet their inability to help the title character, "Joanne"who, it is revealed has died. The final character, a teacher from "Joanne's" past is played by Imogen Watt. The story of the teacher learning of "Joanne's" death, of remembering the potential and ability of this lost soul, and the physical retracing the steps of an early crisis in the child's life. This story hints at the ripples that can go through so many lives as a result of such a tragedy. Imogen's performance had compassion, maturity and focus. However, this could be said of all the performers. RARA Theatre Company can be proud of another strong and thought provoking show - this was the first time "Joanne" has been performed since it premier in London late last year. The director, Rhona Mitchell, lighting director Roy Fairhead and Sound Technician Elijah O'Connor, produced a great show. "Joanne" was written by Deborah Bruce, Theresa Ikoko, Laura Lomas, Chino Odimba & Ursula Rani Sarma.

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Free workshop with professional actor Nicholas Collett at the Wyness Hall this Wednesday, 29 June. Age 12 and above. Come and join us! You can also see his show Your Bard at 7.30pm that evening! And don't forget our other Shakespeare related show, Brush Up Your Shakespeare on Saturday at 7.30pm.

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Performing at the festival tomorrow and Monday at 8pm, RARA Theatre Company with Joanne. Tickets still available at he door, £8/6.

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