Top Local Places

Chowdene Community Church, Gateshead

, Gateshead-on-Tyne, United Kingdom
Church/religious organization



Chowdene is local Gateshead Church aspiring to make a global impact.

We meet every Sunday from 11am at Emmanuel College Gateshead, NE11 0AN. Chowdene is an all age family church in Gateshead where all are welcome. We meet weekly each Sunday morning at Emmanuel College to inspire equip our local and global community into action!

Our Sunday services contain a mix of contemporary music and practical and relevant teaching.

Our goal is to impact today and leave a legacy for tomorrow.

During the week, we meet in small groups in various locations and we also have a number of community based initiatives for all ages. Starting with a toddlers group for our youngest, right through to lunch clubs and walking groups for our older family members.

Our Sunday Celebration Service starts at 11.00am at Emmanuel College, Consett Road, Gateshead,  NE11 0AN. Join us there each week or sign up to our podcast and join our global community!

