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Scene 1 Take 1

, Dumfries, United Kingdom
Arts & Entertainment



Film making Film Fun in Dumfries



Happy Birthday Club Member Lincoln Vann-Wakelin..... off to Newcastle for the say, have fun.

Another fantastic Photo for our film

Another fantastic Photo for our film

Happy Birthday Club Member Stella Duncan..... off to a Rock Festival this weekend, have fun.

SCENE1TAKE1 FILM: Hello Dumfries, two club members aged around 14 are knocking on doors of a certain street within Dumfries, asking for each household permission to film a scene for their latest film. They are looking to start a communication with the house holders, and also to check what times suits for filming. This is what we do, Scene1take1 allows young people to come together thinking about films, and film making and then letting their creative juices run and run and run. So far we have filmed two scenes of a 20 scene film, plus we have successfully had multiple images sent to us for use in a key scene. Thank you as alway Dumfries for your help with what we do.

SCENE1TAKE1: Due to the huge film project that the club has committed itself to, Scene1take1 will be on every Thursday of the summer holiday from this Thursday 18th July 17.30 to 19.00 as usual. Come on lets do this.

SCENE1TAKE1: Due to the huge film project that the club has committed itself to, Scene1take1 will be on every Thursday of the summer holiday from this Thursday 18th July 17.30 to 19.00 as usual. Come on lets do this.

PLAY DEAD PHOTOS: Hello Everyone, there have been so many images, which has been amazing. However, it has occurred to us that people are now on holidays and they might be able to get us images from foreign places, or from locations which look from abroad. Please share...... These none UK looking images will be used at the end of our film. Please Share and again, Thank you so much for your support.

PLAY DEAD PHOTOS: Hello Everyone, there have been so many images, which has been amazing. However, it has occurred to us that people are now on holidays and they might be able to get us images from foreign places, or from locations which look from abroad. Please share...... These none UK looking images will be used at the end of our film. Please Share and again, Thank you so much for your support.

Youthbeatz 2019 film by Scene1Take1

WHAT WERE YOU DOING ONE WEEK AGO: YOUTHBEATZ 2019 is now active again as our club email account, so sorry to all who have used it for the past 6 years and not had a reply.... Ooops. (I set it up incorrectly)

Photos from Scene 1 Take 1's post

SCENE1TAKE1: What an amazing response we have had from everyone in multiple countries, with some amazing snaps, which will all be used i'm sure. However, we could truly do with many more of adults, at home on sofa's, in cars, at work and so on. REMEMBER, try to get your face downwards, so we do not have to use make up, and also please like these images, pretend you are Dead. AGAIN THANKS SOOOO MUCH TO EVERYONE WHO HAS SHARED, RESPONDED OR REACHED OUT TO US

Photos from Scene 1 Take 1's post

Photos from Scene 1 Take 1's post

SCENE1TAKE1 @ YOUTHBEATZ 2019: I'd like to say how proud I was of the whole Club this past weekend. Heather, Lincoln, Stella, Lucy, Freya, Rebecca, Greg, Calum, Cian and Hannah did an amazing job, 99% of all filming was done by them, with long hours and two whole days. Equally, Thanks again Youthbeatz..... Knocked every year as whether it's value for money, yet, I can not even state how happy and free whole groups of young people were..... Those involved as event staff, crew and so on. And those that were attending.... Stunning weekend again.

Photos from Scene 1 Take 1's post

Photos from Scene 1 Take 1's post

YOUNG FILM MAKERS NEED YOUR HELP: Dumfries, Scotland's Scene1take1 a film group of 11 to 14 years, is making the clubs longest and most ambitious film to date. We require a scene in the film which features many, many images of dead people, in different places, different ages, different sizes, colours, shapes and so on. The idea is, that the images are taken on a phone, as if your pal or relative has just collapsed and died. The images need to NOT show the face, hence face down. (Ones showing the face will be requested in a few months, once we have worked out a universal way to achieve the same make up.) We need no more then one person in the image, as people would be dying at different times and not together...... Please, please, please attach images from your phone to this strand. Those used (Which could be all) will be contacted when the film is completed to view online. See our images and help us out PPPPLLLLLEEEAAASSSEEE. (Be creative too)

Photos from Scene 1 Take 1's post

SCENE1TAKE1 10 YEAR ANNIVERSARY FILM: LOCATIONS: The film we are filming between now and October is a Virus based film, with multiple locations required. Almost all locations will require, no more then 2 hours for us to set up and film in. Please look at the following list of locations and see if you can help the young club members with their film. (Thanks in Advance): Science/medical looking building - require a fire exit for external filming. Office - to show people dead at work 3 x House/Front Room - to show people dead in their homes
