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Keystage Arts and Heritage Company

, Cambridge, United Kingdom
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History and Heritage through the Arts


Today we have heard from Cambridge City Council that after more than ten years of planning and delivering their civic Holocaust Memorial Day event our services are no longer required. Over the years we have been lucky enough to welcome some incredible and inspiring speakers and visitors. Sir Nicholas Winton, Martin Bell, Damas Gasimba from Rwanda, Dagmar Lieblova from Prague, Kermal Pervanic from Bosnia, Josef Mirionuk from Krakow and Holocaust survivors Eva Clarke, Anita Lasker-Wallfisch and many more. We have worked with schools across the city, commissioned original music, theatre and dance and welcomed keynote speakers including Val Ross of the Anne Frank Trust, Glen Ford of the Aegis Trust and Fran Williamson paralympian. We have mounted several exhibitions and run many satellite events around Cambridge including last year's lecture from Professor Rainer Schulze on the Nazi persecution of the Roma people. It has been a privilege to do this important and still relevant work. Thank you for supporting us.

A few years ago we commissioned and produced a play called Numbers From Prague, based on the story of Sir Nicholas Winton's rescue of 669 children from Nazi-occupied Europe just before the outbreak of WWII. We are delighted to say that it has recently been performed by a group of students at Sherborne International School. Rather wonderfully it was directed by Mark Cooper who played OUR Sir Nicholas back in 2011. One of the students, Yubo Zhang, followed up with this lovely artwork. Congratulations on what we hear was a great production.

Very proud of the students of Parkside and Red Balloon for a wonderful event at West Road Concert Hall last night to mark the end of our Tale of Two Hostels project. Very moving, intelligent and interesting. Great audience reaction and response from our guests. Not quite the end - still a book and a few bits and pieces to come.

The forgotten Cambridgeshire heroes who gave their lives

Very proud to have been a part of this project.

Newnham College, Cambridge

Mike talking at Newnham College this week as part of Holocaust Memorial day events. Nice to see the exhibition out again.

Lots of events coming up associated with Holocaust Memorial Day which we run every year on behalf of Cambridge City Council. Check out the website for details of other events.

Keystage Arts and Heritage Company's cover photo

Keystage Arts and Heritage Company's cover photo

Today we take a group of exceptional young actors to Ely Maltings to tell the story of the 11th Suffolks and the Somme. Very moving piece and part of a much larger Cambridgeshire County Council project to remember the men who died. The play is called 'I Regret to Inform You..'. Watch this space for photos and reviews!

Daughter Of 'Britain's Schindler' Nicholas Winton Calls For 'Kindness And Welcome' For Young Calais Refugees

Polish Waves 2016 08 28

Here's Mike on the radio. We'll let you all know the new website address in the next week or's looking very lovely thanks to Kate Molloy of Little Designs Cambridge.

Youth symposium at Anglia Ruskin with students from Parkside. Discussing refugees and our response as individuals and as a nation. Very intelligent and thoughtful young people. Looking forward to a live link up with The Hague at 2.30 pm

The Story of the Cambridge Children's Refugee Committee

Mike's talk and some lovely monologues from some old and some new Keystage young actors.

The Story of the Cambridge Children's Refugee Committee


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