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Greatwood Adventure

Greatwood Cottage, Bristol, United Kingdom



Greatwood Adventure believe in encouraging an adventurous lifestyle and spirit - we thrive in the outdoors!    


'WHITSFUN' DATES - Hi there Greatwooders! I hope that you are all well and enjoying more outdoor fun now that Spring has sprung! Read the full post for our Half Term Club dates! Firstly, we just had to share this FABULOUS blog from the AMAZING Clare at Nowandforalways photography! Clare visited us a number of times at our recent 'SpringStock' holiday club and really seemed to 'capture the spirit' of Greatwood Adventure - check out her blog and page - perhaps she can do the same for your family or event! Whilst i'm here i'll take the opportunity to announce that we will be running 2 equally fun packed Greatwood Adventure Days in half term on THURS MAY 31st and FRIDAY JUNE 1st (max one day per Child). 'WhitsFun' will run for 6 - 11 year olds from 8.30am to 4pm (£25) or the ever popular 'extended fun' day from 8.30 to 6pm (£30). As ever it will have all the DNA of a Greatwood day with seasonal twists! There are a very limited number of spaces per day, it really will be first come first served - so don't delay - book in today! Please note email only please to to reserve! We are sorry not to be offering more fun this half term but we are away at WANJAM (Wansdyke Jamboree) with all the Beavers, Cubs and Scouts from the District - we may see many of you Greatwooders there and we can tell you about our Summer plans! Many thanks! Hope to see lots of you in Half Term! Will and the Greatwood Team

HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMELIE! Your Greatwood Fairies found the Golden Bow, now give the week a really good go!

WE PACKED LOADS IN to a wonderful afternoon at Chelwood with the lads from Mangotsfield Secondary School. They are completing a 10 session crash course in hiking and camping, enjoying all the benefits! If you work in a School and have students that would thrive given these outdoor opportunities then give us a call...let's make it happen!

HAPPY 9th BIRTHDAY JOHNNY! You and your battalion are ready for anything!

SUNNY BIRTHDAY OUTDOOR FUN for the Greatwood Golden Ninjas and Jedi! Happy birthday Josh, Henry and Lila...we hope you had a great time at your parties, you were all fab...take your powers into life!


GREAT FUN TEAMBUILDING with the lads from Mangotsfield...couldn't get eNERF!

THANKS SO MUCH to all of you for helping us to reach 200 likes!! To celebrate here are a few more snaps from our FebFest holiday club as we start to look forward to SpringStock! Also thanks for all the bookings - we love that you can't get enough of the outdoor fun! Hazel bow making and a forest archery trail this time! If you have friends who haven't found us yet then bit of liking and sharing is always appreciated - we'll be publishing our plans for May half term and the Summer hols soon. Oh, and remember we do birthday parties - but be quick if you want a Greatwood party as Spring and Summer slots are genuinely filling fast!!

HAPPY 9th BIRTHDAY SAMUEL! Get out there and capture life's flags!

BEAUTIFUL AFTERNOON at Chelwood learning to pitch tents with the lads from Mangotsfield School...

HAPPY 7th BIRTHDAY ARCHIE from all at Greatwood! You all now Gold Star members of the Greatwood Marine Corps!



NEAR Greatwood Adventure