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St Patrick's Grammar School Armagh

, Armagh, United Kingdom
High School



Mission Statement

The mission of St Patrick’s Grammar School is:

• To be a community guided and driven by Christian values;

• To care for every member so that each can achieve his or her full potential;

• To develop skills that will make for life-long learning and prepare our students for citizenship in the twenty-first century;

• And to provide a wholesome education that responds to the interests and needs of the student body.

Aims of the School

The school aims to:

• Develop as a community that appreciates the Christian values of co-operation, responsible conduct, earnest effort, compassion and mutual respect;

• Provide a curriculum that is appropriate to the educational, vocational and recreational needs of our students;

• Promote each student’s potential to the full and encourage him to aim for the highest possible standards of academic and other achievements;

• Take account of the opportunities afforded by Information and Communication Technology and extend awareness and skills among our students;

• Deepen each student’s faith and help him to sustain a Christian dimension to his spiritual, moral and social life;

• Cultivate in each student a sense of civic responsibility, an appreciation of their own self worth and awareness of those less fortunate through fund-raising and charity work;

• Encourage students to think, learn and act independently and in so doing take responsibility for their decisions and actively plan for their futures;

• Foster an appreciation of Irish culture and traditions, along with those of Europe and the wider world;

• Secure the closest possible co-operative contacts with parents;

• Maintain close links between the school and the local community and especially to develop cross-community relations and mutual understanding;

• Provide an education which leads to opportunities in higher education or employment on leaving school and ensuring readiness for employment through a structured careers programme throughout the school;

• Create an awareness of factors that affect health and well-being;

• Offer a wholesome education that includes elements of sport, music and the arts;

• Celebrate achievement and so promote a culture of excellence;

• Establish an attitude to learning that will serve our students and the world in which they live.


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