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Rooster Lighting 雄鷄照明

No 2. Yuanxi st. Pingtung City, Pingtunghsien, Taiwan



Rooster Lighting is the leading lighting manufacturer and design company in Taiwan. Let’s light up your life! 由1989年創立至今始終深耕台灣,所以不到海外設廠。我們的同仁有超過90%都是屏東在地人,堅持把每一樣照明產品做到最好就是我們信念。雄鷄不僅是間燈具製造商,更是一間可以替客戶提供全方位的一條龍服務的專業燈光設計公司。
We keep pursuing the advancement in product quality and its design. And we pay great attention to energy-saving and green technologies, such as the development of LED and solar power. That’s why you can find that Rooster Lighting is an enterprise which integrates traditional and up-to-date lighting technologies. Therefore, we will keep offering the best products to all respectable customers.


NEAR Rooster Lighting 雄鷄照明