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Sandra's Language Studio珊卓外語工作室

新竹市東門街, Hsinchu, Taiwan



English,Japanese & Spanish trainning
Customized Private Tutor
Small group class (2-5 people)


Beauty and the Beast "Belle" | Sing-A-Long | Disney

~~~Beauty and the Beast ~~~ 大家去看2017 真人版的美女與野獸了嗎? 上周末珊卓看完後 整個喚起了少女心 <3 Sandra saw the new 2017 version of Beauty and the Beast last weekend ,and it totally reminded of her teenage hood!!! 所以當然要分享給大家珊卓的少女時代囉! (不小心泄漏年齡 oops 😂) 來聽聽這版有英文字幕 的“Belle ” 蠻多生活英語可以學的喲! 聽熟了再去電影院看看真人版Emma Watson 詮釋的不同風味 都很動聽!

Studio Classroom 空中英語教室

用英文買東西 簡單又實用 快存起來學會喔! (珊卓以前在空英值班的櫃台 好懷念喔!)

Photos from 珊卓外語工作室 Sandra's Language Studio's post

#氣象英文小語# Shower 除了沖澡 當名詞用 也可當做雨喔 *Scattered Showers 陣雨 *100 % Chance of precipitation 降雨機率 看來 入夜後 新竹可能降溫下雨! The weather will probably change to be colder with scattered showers tonight . 難怪今天珊卓的背在酸痛 ( No wonder Sandra's back is so sore .) 新竹的朋友 注意保暖 不要淋到雨喔! Keep warm and avoid getting wet!

Photos from 珊卓外語工作室 Sandra's Language Studio's post

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周五夜狂歡前~ 先來學四個跟hand有關的動詞片語喔! *hand out 分發 The secretary hands out all the employee paystubs every month . 這位秘書每個月會分發薪資條給所有員工 *hand down 傳承 The antique vase has been handed down from my grandfather to my father to me. 這個古董花瓶是從我祖父傳給我父親再傳給我的 * hand over 交接 Sandra was too busy, so her supervisor agreed with her that she handed over one of her projects to another coworker. 珊卓太忙了 ,所以她的主管請她把其中一個專案交接給另一位同事去做 *hand in 提交 Please hand in your report before next Tuesday ! 請下周二前交出你的報告 Hope all of you enjoy your 4-day holidays !!! 祝大家228 四天連假愉快喔!

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Photos from 珊卓外語工作室 Sandra's Language Studio's post

Tea time, chat time Enjoying great meals, delicious cakes and amazing coffee with lovely students!!! 答應學生很久的午茶之約 蛋糕櫃被我們和同時段客人掃掉一半囉! 練習了點餐英文 點了早午餐 三樣蛋糕和好喝的各式咖啡 吃吃喝喝聊天又酪到英文最開心囉!

Photos from 珊卓外語工作室 Sandra's Language Studio's post


Prank 惡作劇 Escape Room 密室逃脫 Let's check how " Captain America "pranks comic fans in a comic book shop with a escape room =) 看看漫畫迷們怎麼被美國隊長Chris Evans捉弄,完成密室逃脫的任務吧! 不要太在意不會的單字 用畫面練習著重聽力,感覺一下互動 練習英文也可以換個方式輕鬆一下! Have a great Monday!

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*****農曆新年快樂***** 享受團圓飯和家人相聚的時刻哦! Happy Chinese New Year's Eve!!! Enjoy your reunion dinner with family! 祝福大家雞年行大運 ,四季平安! May the year of the rooster bring you great fortune. May you be blessed with peace and safety in all four seasons!

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Love What Matters

inauguration 就職典禮 這位教小二的美國老師好棒哦! 以今天是總統就職典禮教導孩子怎麼從愛自己的家做起! 一起來看看這篇給小二生的溫馨教育訊息吧!

Love What Matters

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Wherever you celebrate your new year, wish you guys the best! Happy New Year 2017 to all of you! 🎆🎊🎉🎇🎆🎊🎉🎇🎆🎊🎉🎇 不論你現在準備在那裡跨年 祝福大家2017 新年快樂喔!

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Photos from 珊卓外語工作室 Sandra's Language Studio's post

#群組視訊交換禮物 😇Video Call for gift exchanging 😇 Our studio has a few new born babies so that some of the mommies temporarily can't join our class. Thanks to the technology,we still made it for everyone can exchange gifts! 今年工作室多了幾個新生兒媽咪 剛作完月子暫停上課 於是為了讓大家都參與聯繫到 拜科技所賜 這個班級的每個成員都透過視訊參與到交換到禮物活動囉!😇 It's worthy for Sandra to pick up gifts in advance and then sent the gifts to those who were not with us on Wednesday night class, cause video call makes this activity full of much more fun and joy ! 當然珊卓事先的去找兩位學生拿禮物 再把交換的禮物送去給無法在當場拿到禮物的同學 忙得很值得 大家都參與到了 讓我們多了更多活動的樂趣 也感受到大家因為學英文的互動 大家感情越來越好喔! As I said before, it's not just a teaching job! It's great to share lots of great value through another language! 就如我說的 這不是一份教學工作而已 還是透過另一個語言的學習分享很多美好的價值

Photos from 珊卓外語工作室 Sandra's Language Studio's post

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謝謝學生的評語 不管零基礎~高級班 每次看到學生跟著對的方法對語言有興趣 對學習有感覺 我也跟著好感動呀!! 不管任何課程 珊卓會繼續努力做到更好 <3

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學英文時,別再犯這3個致命錯誤了!(ProTip // Stop Making These 3 Fatal Mistakes When Learning English )

珊卓的朋友-有名的口譯專員-浩爾 他在VoiceTube 分享三個台灣同學為什麼學英文學很久 卻一直無法進步的三個大重點! 這也是我在課堂上常和學生分享的 ! 記得第二遍邊聽也邊開你的耳朵聽英文的部份喔!
