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Rolfing Skåne

Mårtensväg 12, Förslöv, Sweden
Alternative & Holistic Health Service



I support you in liberating the creative potential that lies in chronic tension, bad posture and physical imbalance.

About Noemí
I have been working in the bodymind field since 1977 and with Rolfing® Structural/Movement Integration since 1983. The focus of my inquiry has been the awakening of the potential that lies in every human being. A passion that led me to graduate in Psychology (Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, 1979), become a teacher in Biodanza with Rolando Toro, and pursue an education in craneosacral therapy and various somatic approaches to the resolution of trauma (Somatic Experiencing with Peter Levine, Bodynamic with Marianne Bentzen), as well as in various traditions in the area of human consciousness.

About Rolfing® Structural Integration
Rolfing® is a system of manipulation and movement education that releases chronic strain in the body by reorganising the human structure.

Rather than being a collection of separate parts, our bodies are a seamless network of tissues. These connective tissues surround, support and penetrate all the muscles, bones, nerves, and organs.

Rolfing® works on this web-like complex of connective tissues to release, realign, and balance the whole body in the field of gravity. It facilitates the discovery of new options in terms of posture, movement and breath, enhancing our potential for balance, coordination, flexibility and strength.

Rolfing®-BodyEase workshops
We often learn that good posture results from effort and grow up with the idea that our bodies have “bad tendencies” that have to be continuously counteracted, for example by straightening ourselves up, bringing our shoulders back, belly in, etc.

Through movement, you explore a series of principles and discover how the body reorganizes itself from within, releasing chronic tension patterns and revealing its natural ability to stabilize and balance itself – you move out of the box.

By step by step discovering new options in relation to gravity, the body is naturally released from chronic tension and freer to express its optimal capacity for balanced posture and graceful movement.

You learn to take care of your body in a way that integrates your uniqueness, instead of imposing on yourself external ideals of how your body should look like or be like, and you bring this to your daily activities – sitting, walking, breathing, working out, yoga, dance, sports, etc.




Video in English with Italian subtitles

The workout every woman needs

Rolfing BodyEase workshop

Rolfing BodyEase workshop

Rolfing® BodyEase workshop

Rolfing® BodyEase workshop

Timeline Photos

Välkomna till Rolfing® BodyEase workshop 13 juni 18:30-20:00 i Ängelholm Vill du ha en vackrare hållning och lära dig hur... • smärta och kroniska spänningar kan ersättas av naturlig balans och stabilitet • du kan få hjälp med trötthet, obehag, hämmad rörlighet och ryggproblem • balans i kroppshållning och struktur påverkar åldrande och utseende • kroppshållning påverkar känsloliv och personlig utstrålning Kom, hör och upplev hur Rolfing® BodyEase kan hjälpa dig Begränsat antal deltagare Agges Hälsokälla: Gasverksgatan 27C, Ängelholm 300 kr (betalas senast 6 juni) Noemi Frenk - certified advanced rolfer® & rolf movement practitioner 073 897 4051

Timeline Photos

3 Quick Tips for Feeling Better at Your Workstation

Brilliant video from my colleague Russell Stolzoff. Thank you, Russell!
