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Bikram HOT Joga Ljubljana

Ukmarjeva ulica 6, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Yoga Studio



Now OPEN!  NEW Hot Joga Studio in Rudnik.  Be Strong.  Be Calm.  Be Flexible.  Be Hot.  Be Healthy.  Be Happy.  Stay Balanced.  Live Long!! Bikram Hot Yoga is a series of 26 Hatha Yoga postures and 2 Pranayama breathing exercises designed to provide a challenging, invigorating and effective physical experience. Bikram Yoga can reduce the symptoms of many conditions and is an excellent activity to achieve and maintain optimum health.  During this class you will work every muscle, tendon, ligament, joint and internal organ in the entire body, giving you an incredible sense of health and well-being.
Practicing Bikram yoga helps you relax the muscles as they are stretched and increases flexibility, improves muscle tone, assists in weight loss and burns fat, increases metabolism, opens the pores and detoxifies the body through sweating, relives stress, prevents injuries, improves the body’s cooling system, clears the circulatory system by thinning the blood, improves cardiovascular fitness and increases breathing and lung capacity!  
Bikram yoga sequence will correct imbalances and give homeostasis (harmony) to the body. What you get is a strong, toned, muscular, comfortable, well-functioning body for the rest of your life.

‘Welcome to Bikram Yoga Ljubljana. Our mission is to provide a serene, safe, joyful and welcoming space where people can explore their own yoga, develop their very own personal yoga journey and self transformation. We aim to create an environment where people feel like they are part of a community, that is supportive and influential. While every person begins their yoga practice at their own level, depending on their physical abilities, we would like to encourage you not to give up. It is through the vision, belief, and efforts that we experience the greatest transformations in our life. It’s not going to be easy, but yoga might be the most beautiful journey you embark on, and we, I, feel blessed to be part of it. Our final mission, is to use what we learn and help others live a better and more harmonious life.’

Denis Dronjic ~ Director/Owner
Bikram Yoga Ljubljana in Rudnik

Bikram Hot Yoga je zaporedje 26 Hatha Yoga položajev in 2 Pranayama dihalnih vaj, ki nudijo poživljajočo, učinkovito in izzivov polno fizično izkušnjo. Bikram Yoga lahko zmanjša mnoge bolezenske simptome in je odlična aktivnost za pridobitev in ohranjanje optimalnega zdravja. Med treningom boste razmigali vsako mišico, tetivo, kito, sklep in notranji organ v celem telesu, zaradi česar se boste počutili izjemno dobro in zdravo.
Vadba Bikram Yoge pomaga pri sproščanju mišic pri raztezanju in poveča prožnost telesa, oblikuje mišice, pomaga pri izgubi teže in topi maščobe, izboljša metabolizem, skozi potenje odpre pore in razstruplja telo, preganja stres, preprečuje poškodbe, izboljšuje sistem ohlajanja telesa, očisti krvni obtok in redči kri, izboljšuje kardiovaskularno telesno pripravljenost in dihalno kapaciteto pljuč!
Zaporedje Bikram Yoga vaj bo izboljšalo ravnovesje telesa in ga napolnilo s harmonijo. Dobili boste močno, oblikovano, mišičasto, udobno in dobro delujoče telo za celo življenje.

“Dobrodošli v Bikram jogi Ljubljana. Naše poslanstvo je ponuditi spokojen, varen, vesel prostor, kjer se počutite dobrodošli, kjer lahko raziščete svojo lastno jogo, razvijete lastno jogijsko pot in dosežete notranjo preobrazbo. Naš cilj je ustvariti okolje, kjer se ljudje počutijo del vplivne skupnosti, ki jim nudi oporo. Vsak človek začne z vadbo joge na svojem nivoju, glede na svoje fizične sposobnosti, zato bi vas radi vzpodbudili, da ne obupate. Skozi vizijo, prepričanje in trud doživimo največje preobrazbe v življenju. Joga ne bo enostavna, bo pa morda najlepša pot, na katero se boste odpravili in mi, jaz, sem hvaležen za ta blagoslov, da sem lahko del tega. Naše končno poslanstvo je uporabiti to, česar smo se naučili in pomagati drugim živeti boljše in bolj harmonično življenje.”



This Friday’s hot yoga class (09:00 & 18:30) we will open the Heart Chakra in a silent class with music. The 4th chakra, Heart Chakra, is named 'Anahata' in Sanskrit. The energy here relates to one's emotional life and relationships. Anahata chakra represents unconditional Love and is associated with compassion and healing. When the heart chakra opens one feels more deeply connected with others and to nature. This center allows one to sense other energy fields. Anahata is related to the element of air and its free flowing nature. It is in this space the integration of opposites take place. It is the merging place for the mind and the body. Is is the essence of Anahata that allows one's heart space to open and awaken. This allows us to live from a more heart-centered consciousness in relation to life and others, and to develop a deeper sense and appreciation of nature. The Heart chakra allows us to experience our emotions more in depth. It represents are connectedness with the heart of life and a deeper and more open acceptance and understanding of others. It gives us the ability to love unconditionally and become fully centered in profound joy and inner peace. When the Heart chakra is clear and open then Love and affection flow more easily. Kindness and compassion become more natural and one strives to create harmonious relationships with others. When this chakra centre is over active or has excessive energy, one may be suffocating or smothering others with too much affection, or motives for love can sometimes be selfish. When the heart chakra is under-active, closed or blocked, one may become cold and distant with others and have less empathy. See you in class 🙏

I hope you are doing well. I wanted to take this opportunity to tell you that I appreciated you and love you. I feel blessed to have you in my life and in the class sharing your beautiful energy with all of us. Happy Valentine’s Day 💕 With love, compassion and gratitude, ~your hot yoga guy, Denis~ ———- Upam, da se imate lepo. To priložnost bi rad izkoristil, da vam povem, da vas imam rad in da vas cenim. Srečen sem, ker vas imam v svojem življenju in ker med vadbo svojo čudovito energijo delite z vsemi nami. Želim vam čudovito Valentinovo 💕 Z ljubeznijo, sočutjem in hvaležnostjo, Vaš vroči jogi Denis.

Radi imejte svoje življenje. Radi imejte svojega partnerja. Radi imejte jogo. Love your Life. Love your Partner. Love Joga ❤️

Draga jogijska skupnost, iščem osebo, ki ima izkušnje s poučevanjem Vinyasa joge. Prosim kontaktirajte me na ZS. Hello Yoga community. I am seeking an experienced Vinyasa teacher. PM me please.

V petek (9. 2.) se bomo osredotočili na tretjo čakro solarnega pleksusa. Pridite in se nam pridružite zjutraj ob 09:00 in zvečer ob 18:30. ------- Čakra solarnega pleksusa, ki leži med popkom in solarnim pleksusom je center naše osebnosti, identitete, ega. Tretja čakra je center moči volje. Gre za percepcijo tega, kar smo, ne za užitek, kot pri sakralni čakri. Dobro delujoča tretja čakra nam daje občutek osebne moči, samozavest, odgovornost in zanesljivost. Tretja čakra je center vaše samozavesti, moči volje, samodiscipline kakor tudi topline v vaši osebnosti. Pri tretji čakri se pojavi izziv, kako uravnovešeno uporabiti osebno moč. Kadar tretja čakra posameznika pretirano deluje, so reakcije na okolje, čustveni izbruhi in so pogosto napeti. Kadar je tretja čakra pri posamezniku blokirana so pasivni in neaktivni, ne storijo ničesar in pustijo, da gre življenje mimo. Močna tretja čakra nam omogoča, da skozi življenje hodimo z občutkom moči in samozavesti. Odraža se v sposobnosti, da se zavestno odločamo, kako bomo izbirali in ravnali. Sporočilo tretje čakre je: Moč izbire je v tvojih rokah. Imate torej možnosti, da izberete, da boste sledili svojemu življenjskemu namenu ali pa nenehno ponavljali svojo karmo in pretekle izkušnje. Kaj boste izbrali? Boste izbrali ljubezen, svetlobo in zdravljenje? Ali sprejmete, da imate moč izbire? Ali se počutite svobodni, ko se odločate? Tretja čakra je center vaše samozavesti. Vedno, ko se kritizirate ali sodite, oslabite svojo tretjo čakro in s tem svojo moč volje. Ljubezen do sebe, samosprejemanje in prepoznavanja lastne vrednosti so gradniki tretje čakre. Friday (09.02) we will focus on the 3rd Chakra, the Solar Plexus Chakra. Come and join us in the morning at 09:00 and evening at 18:30. ————- The Solar Plexus Chakra, located between the navel and solar plexus, is the core of our personality, our identity, of our ego. The third chakra is the center of willpower. While the Sacral chakra seeks pleasure and enjoyment, the third chakra is all about the perception of who you are. The gift of this chakra is sensing your personal power, being confident, responsible, and reliable. The third chakra is the center of your self-esteem, your willpower, self-discipline, as well as warmth in your personality. The main challenge for the third chakra is to use your personal power in a balanced manner. Beings with excessive third chakra energy react to life circumstances, they have emotional outbursts and are often stressed out. Beings with blocked or deficient third chakra are passive and inactive - allowing life to pass by while they do nothing. Strong third chakra reflects the ability to move forward in life with confidence and power. It reflects the ability to make conscious choices to choose and to act. The message of the third chakra is: You have the power to choose. You can choose to achieve your life purpose or you can live out your karma or past experiences. What do you choose? Do you choose love, light and healing? Do you accept that you have the power to choose? Do you feel a sense of freedom when you make a choice? The third chakra is the center of your self-esteem. Every time you judge or criticize yourself, you deplete this chakra and weaken your willpower. Self love, self acceptance, and acknowledgement of your own worth are the building blocks of the third chakra.

Jutri, v četrtek (08.02.) je studio odprt. Vadbi se pričneta ob 09.00 in 17.45. YES WE ARE OPEN TOMORROW, THURSDAY (08.02). CLASSES BEGIN @ 09:00 & 17:45.

Oglasna deska je polna imen, vendar pa je v sobi za vadbo še vedno dovolj prostora. Odprti smo vsak dan. Pridite in se nam pridružite. Vadba je primerna za začetnike, za vse in vsakogar. The board is full of names, but there is still lots of space in the yoga room. OPEN everyday. Come and join us. We practice beginner yoga designed for anybody and everybody.

2 weeks ago Simona Drevenšek from Delo interviewed me about yoga and how it has become a growing business globally. While I have many expenses to cover to be able to offer you space and knowledge to practice yoga, my goal is to teach you the proper technique so you can practice anywhere any time. Bikram Joga Ljubljana in Rudnik appreciates your commitment to continue learning this ancient art for the body, mind and soul. ~your hot yoga guy, Denis Dronjic Pred dvema tednoma me je Simona Drevenšek iz Dela intervjuvala o jogi in kako se je iz nje razvil globalni posel. Čeprav imam visoke stroške, ki jih moram pokriti da vam lahko zagotovim prostor in znanje za vadbo joge pa je moj cilj, da vas naučim pravilne tehnike, s katero boste lahko vadili kjerkoli in kadarkoli. Bikram joga Ljubljana na Rudniku ceni vztrajnost, s katero se še naprej učite te starodavne umetnosti telesa, uma in duše. ~vaš vroči jogi, Denis Dronjic

I love the serenity of watching snowflakes falling. It reminds me of the simplicity of life; laughter, love and health. BJL wishes you a beautiful day today. Please be safe on the roads. Namaste 🙏 Your hot yoga guy, Denis Dronjic Spokojni trenutki, ko opazujem padajoče snežinke, so enostavno čudoviti. Spominjajo me na preproste stvari v življenju: smeh, ljubezen in zdravje. BJL vam želi lep dan. Prosim, pazite na varnost na cestah. Namaste 🙏 vaš vroči jogi, Denis Dronjic

V petek, 2. februarja se bomo osredotočili in energijo usmerili v drugo čakro. Sakralna čakra, Swadhisthana se dotika vprašanja, kako sposobno smo sprejemati druge ljudi in koliko smo sposobni biti odprti za nove izkušnje v življenju. Gre za naš občutek obilja in splošnega blagostanja, povezana pa je tudi z občutkom užitka in čutnosti. Ko je sakralna čakra čista in odprta, čustva tečejo bolj prosto in občutke lahko izražamo brez pretirane razčustvovanosti. Strast in intima se zgodita bolj naravno. Preveč dejavna sakralna čakra povzroča pretirano čustvenost in nezdravo navezanost na ljudi ali na spolnost. Ko je sakralna čakra zaprta ali blokirana, človek lahko postane nečustven ali odmaknjen od drugih in tlači svoja čustva. Se vidimo na vadbi :). Friday, February 2nd we will focus on rejuvenating the 2nd chakra. The Sacral Chakra, Swadhisthana, is related to issues concerning our ability to accept other people and be open to new experiences in life. It is about our sense of abundance and general well being, and also relating to pleasure ans sensuality. When the Sacral chakra is clear and open, feeling flows more freely and one is able to express feelings without being over-emotional. Passion and intimacy come more naturally. Over-active sacral chakra energy may result in becoming too emotional and cause unhealthy attachments to people or sexuality. When the Sacral chakra is closed or blocked then one becomes unemotional and detached from others and feelings get repressed. See you in class :)


BLIZU Bikram HOT Joga Ljubljana