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Making Memories

Bellottiego 5/51, Warsaw, Poland



Why throw your hard earned medals in a drawer? Why not preserve the memories of your successful challenge? You spend months training, then comes the pain and sweat to complete your challenge, earning respect from yourself, family and friends. You also earned a medal which usually gets thrown in a drawer or cupboard.
Making memories is about making that feeling when you achieved your goal last forever.
We have many different ways to achieve this, including printing your race bib onto cushions, sport specific medal hangers, even a shadow box that holds your race bib and medal, and/or photo's and other memorabilia.

Check out the examples on our page.

All you have to do is contact us with your order and we will explain how to proceed from there.


Timeline Photos

Happy New Year Everyone! I hope 2016 brings lots of new challenges and achievements for all of you. Should you like to do something special to commemorate your biggest achievement of 2015 (like the picture below), drop me a message and we can discuss custom layout and colors.

Timeline Photos


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