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Courage is a deeper inner strength you need to push on to success. No one or even fewer people can notice your potential therefore only a few can believe or encourage your dream because they are not informed of who you are. Never share your dream with mediocre because the best they can offer you is to drive you backwards.

The best favour comes from God.

Your life will never be the same next year 2017

Keep learning from others,no body has a monopoly of knowledge.. After all even mentors have their mentors too.

Good friends are not identified by physical appearance but by displaying good virtue of the inner mind.

This morning Most of us will give up on their dreams because of certain constraints.... God never promise us of problem free world but He promised to be with & for us in every situation. Never give up your dream.

Be inspired. You might not've attended your goal in your struggle that doesn't mean that you will not attain your height. Your miracle is on the way,exhibit the ability to wait with patience,delaying is not denial....God knows about you,he communicate with us in various ways. Do your part & God will establish your plans in to reality.

Never forget that you are an agent of positive change. Don't look down on yourself,go ahead and impact your world no matter how little it will be. The world count on you because you constitute it.....Remember you are not a mistake or coincidence but a deliberate agent of change carefully created to occupy a meaningful purpose.

It's legitimate to criticize only if you can help the person by changing him/her situation.

YOU ARE THE PAIN YOU FEEL. No body feels your pain no matter how much they love us in life they can never feel the same pain we are passing through. Your wife,husband,child,mother and others can only sympathize with you with deepest emotional concerns I.e they can only cry a river of tears for you but they will #NEVER feel your pain. Because you are the only one who feel your pain therefore don't relent in executing your plan,never allow external pressure affect your inbuilt mechanism after all you are the only one who feels it. Be the the architect to actualize your dreams cos no body can do that for you except you alone like I tressed initially people around you can only help you through in achieving your gold but to reach to your height you've to stand tall against all odds & obstacles that may ruin your aspiration & dreams. Thx for being there.


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