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Dayo Otekalu Ministries

31, G.R.A, Ado-Ekiti, Ekiti State , Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria
Church/religious organization



Dayo Otekalu Ministries is a divinely inspired vision to teach the truth of God’s Lordship, Sovereignty and Being. It is God’s end-time intervention

Dayo Otekalu Ministries is a divinely inspired vision to teach the truth of God’s Lordship, Sovereignty and Being. It is God’s end-time intervention to bringing people to the full understanding of His words to stimulate freedom from satanic doctrines beliefs. The name of the ministry was given by God on August 27, 1991. The watchword and central message of the ministry is: “You will know the truth and the truth will set you free”. Our logo is the shining sword, the sword of the Spirit, which the Lord gave the General Overseer at the gate of hell.

The ministry, headquartered in Ado Ekiti, has many part-time and volunteer workers. Notable among these are Funmilayo, Sunkanmi and Johnson. In addition, many founding members of the ministry are now pastors in other churches as the Lord had called them, though they are still part of this Ministry.

The vision is currently by God through his servant, Daniel Ekundayo Otekalu. He is an obstetrician and gynecologist. He retired chief consultant with Ondo State of Nigeria Health Services.

He is married to Titilayo, who was recently called home by the Lord.

The couple was blessed with two sons, Olumide and Tolulope and a daughter, Olufunke, a son in-law -Martins, two daughters in-law – Bukola and Titilope, grand-children and many lovely and caring relations and friends.


Storms are not to destroy the children of God but to build those who underetands it. We are made better after storms are over... keep going Christ can be seen in the midst of your crises; He is the Lord!

Indeed, many times the word of God's promises to me look so foolish if I should consider them with human knowledge and wisdom. the bible says "as heaven is higher than the earth so are the ways of God higher than that of man." Indeed the word of God can only prosper in the lives of unlearned people like myself; I take the word of God as they appear to me without any modification, though they sometimes look so foolish but that is why He is God - using the weak things to confound the wise. great is our God! Let's us learn to aply the word as we receive them..., if actually we know how God will perform His oaths in our lives, they then become an idol; that's no longer faith by hope...for how can you call what you see as hope or faith? We need not to know how it will be done, but because He has said it, it will surely stand!

...thus, to us a child was born and to us a son given-the son of man, whom the Lord set apart as His very own. The son of man was given the commision to overcome the world, to reveal the father to those whom the father have given Him out of the World, to lay down the life of His body, His blood, which is the blood of God, as an atoning SACRIFICE for sin and to reconcile us to God. The son of man completed the work the father gave Him by making Himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant. He humbled Himself and became obedient to His death on the cross. God has exalted Him to the highest place and have have Him the name that is above every name-Jesus CHRIST. At the name of Jesus, every knee must bow in heaven, on earth and under the earth and every tongue must confess that Jesus Christ is the Lord to the glory of God the father. To be continue...

WE ARE TO RULE OVER THE WORLD AND SUBDUE IT The Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed the breath into His nostrils the breath of life(this is the son of man) and man became alive. Subsequently, man began to give birth to the body through the grace of God while God breathed the son of man into each body He prepared for him through man. The scripture in Psalm 127:3 says, "See, sons are a heritage from the Lord; the fruit of the body is his reward"(Basic English). Jesus of Nazareth whom God set apart as His very own and sent into the world said to the father, "A body was prepared for me." (see Hebrew 10:5). This body was prepared in the womb of a virgin, MARY, who believed the word of God, and the word of God became flesh in her womb. In this body (the fruit of the womb) the son of God came into the world. To be continue.... Visit

LERN ENDURANCE IN HARDAHIPS INTRODUCTION(B) ...the scriptures can offer guides towards endurance but cannot confer endurance on anyone. We must find the Lord to learn to endure, and He will teach us with His essence as we go through the headships of this World. Endurance is the grace to stand by the Lord, to see, hear and feel as He does, and act as He will want is to do when trials come to us. Philosophy, the wisdom of the world, position or fame will not work the endurance with which we can reign with the Lord. Only those with Him can subdue the earth and rule over the works of His hands. Those who lack endurance cannot rule and reign with Him; the World will rule over them instead. LEARN UNDURANCE IN ALL THINGS MAKES YOU BE MORE LIKE GOD; GREAT WISDOM AND UNDERSTANDING ARE HIDDEN IN ENDURANCE. To be continue... Stay BLESSED.

LEARN ENDURANCE IN HARDSHIPS INTRODUCTION We must go through many HARDSHIPS to enter the kingdom of God(Acts 14:22). But it is those who have learnt to endure that will reign with the Lord(2Timothy 2:12). We should endure hardships as discipline; God is treating us as sons. The hardships through which we learn endurance may seem unpleasant at that time, indeed painful. But if we submit to the Lord to be treined with them, we shall reap a good measure of peace and rigbteuosness(Hebrew 12:7-11). But all who refuse to be trained in endurance will continue to blow hot and cold. They will praise God with their tongue and curse men who have been made in the likeness of God with the same tongue. EVERY SOLDIER ENDURE HARDSHIPS AND PAINS IN ORDER TO BE COUNTED AS A QAULIFIED SOLDIER. THIS APLIES IN THE SPIRITUAL WARFRONT; TO BE A SOLDIER FOR CHRIST, YOU MUST'VE BEEN TRAINED BY HIM USING MANY SITUATIONS.

Sinners believes that it is imporssible to live without sin. Most beleivers believes that righteousness is a result of works. These believe are wrong and that is the trick of the devil; believers should make it known to unbelievers that 'we only receive power to live a righteous life. No one is an Angel, but if we are willing and obedient, we will be empowered to overcome sin through the grace that is available in Jesus Christ'. A VERY LONG TIME TO THE SAINTS OF GOD HERE.

It is only a Godly sorrow that produce repentance, worldly sorrow produce death. Stay bless family of God

A man who follow the wisdom of God is humble. The wisdom of man is folly, it is earthly, unspiritual and of the devil. Those who follow their own wisdom are enemies of God. They are not working in love. Therefore they will lack patients, gentleness, and all other virtues of the love of God. Their false humility will neither restrain the flesh nor the enemies in the flesh. It cannot heal the heart of pride or the other sin. Instead it will release to other people the evil forces, which are tearing the local churches apart today and separating the body from the Head, who is our Lord Jesus Christ. We cannot be humble in our own wisdom, because God has made foolish the wisdom of the world (see Proverbs 3:7,and 1Corinthians 1:20). More importantly, it is a man who acknowledges that Heaven is greater than the earth and man that will want to look up to the Lord in Heaven. Turning our focus from the flesh and the world to the Lord who is in heaven is repentance. Thus repentance is humility to God, and must be the beginning of all righteousness. We must all repent because God has called all men to repentance. God is merciful, and however repents finds God's grace in love. The whole world is not enough to redeem our life, and it is impossible for anyone to gain the whole world. Therefore, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life are useless, and cannot be compared to God's glory. Since Christ in us is the hope of this glory, we must reject everything of the world in our hearts, which the Lord hates, and replace them with Christ. This is how we we shall be built up in Christ to attain the full measure of the fullness of God... to be continued

God is real and he is the simplest master one can serve and confide in. Let Him locate your mind and fix everything that needs His touchings. Be blessed in His supernatural ways of blessing.

MY DREAM IN THE NIGHT OF THURSDAY JANUARY 2016. I went on my bed late haven't studied with my father, and my prayer focus for the week is the root of the church to be relaunched. In these dreams of three stages yet the same meaning; 1st stage: "i was in a workshop trying to assemble automobile alongside with some men, we heard that a very rich woman was coming to buy palm fruits which we have as many as possible around us. We suddenly turned from assembling of that auto mobile and went after palm fruits; we got so much that even the land started producing palm fruits." 2nd stage: "We, when it was time for us to eat, we went after Pawpaw and we saw some. As beautiful and well ripped as the pawpaw were, we tried to pluck them and they all fell into mess(human waste products) haven't wasted our time trying to pluck them. Eventually, we spent all our time gaining nothing and even the hunger remained." 3rd stage: "I found many of us in a local village where the villagers were farmers only. As we walked round the village, we saw men and women coming from their farms after the day work. As they began to look at us as foreigners, suddenly all of us started behaving strange; i and some people around me started running towards their farm area. Some of the villagers were looking at us; as we were running towards the bush, some of the villagers were noticing us, but the strange thing to me is that, we were running at nothing yet filled of boasts! A woman came out of the village who was walking towards us from our back, she was going to ease herself in the bush; as she was walking and we running, she moves faster than us! We all relaxed saying because we were on a hill side, that when we get down, we will gap her fast. It was very painful that the woman started talking to herself in her observations of our race; she said "i am walking these foreigners running yet they couldn't gap me!" As we moved ahead a little, the woman started preferring the young men coming from farm with dirt all over their body to us. (I felt the same disgusting and unsatisfied in all these revelations; i felt the same way in all of them; no joy, and we knew what we were doing wasn't the right thing yet we kept doing them! Almost every Christian knows that something is wrong in the church yet we could do nothing about it!) When i woke up, i felt disgusted and was like vomiting until i was able to hear God clearly: the church has left her assignment for those things that favors her not, she is running after what she think is good and yet she could not derive joy from them neither is she satisfied with her ventures! The name Jesus in our mouth is the only reason for people to know that we are Christians or is the only means of distinguishing us from the world not by the fruits anymore! We have adopted races that are not meant to be run by us. We are running for men to see and not to please our master. The unbelieving world that need believers to colorfully transformed the world could no longer see the essence of Christianity. We have exchange our purpose for that which we were not called to. We have strained by choosing to entice the one we came to save and so now worse than them. These and so many is the word of God's meaning to these revelations which you might have you own understanding through the holy spirit. I remember my last word with last person before i went on my bed was how to experience revival in the church; i told him that revival won't come like rain that beat everyone at the same time, it has to start from you and another will catch it through you and so it will go out spreading virally & vigorously. (I pray for whatever will make us to rise up to our responsibilities as the glorious body of the Lord, and may He equip us as jurors in jury with great accomplishment in Jesus name! SHALOM!!!

WE CAN LEARN TO OVERCOME SIN (INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY) Sin is a subject that people have limited knowledge and understanding about, yet we live in it at different depths. This is not surprising because sin hinder knowledge and understanding. We need to update our knowledge and understanding about sin if we are to successfully fight sin through the power of sin. It may be difficult for many to understand or believe that all their predicaments stem from the sinful nature and its works; and that the nature of sin is the life of a physical man. It may appear ridiculous to some people to hear that we chose our problems by opting for sin, which is the way of death. We receive our sinful nature through our parents because the flesh gives birth to flesh. But to every son of man, which is our life that will never cease to exist, is the BREATH of God to whom Hod has given an identity and a consciousness. These are permanent. be continue.


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