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hottest and lastest information from the office of the student union government public relation officer.



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Fellow Nigerian citizens, it has become important for us to take actions to rescue this country from the hands of spineless entities that have hijacked the instrumentalities of power and unleashed terror on our humanity. Let's come together and form a movement called #YouthLeadNigeria. This is a political revolution to takeover the leadership of Nigeria from the class of bandits that have colonised our common destiny. In every crucial point in the history of the world, Nations have always broken away from oppression, suppression, underdevelopment and ignorance. Our time is now. We must join hands across board to secure a significant shift to progress. We have completely lost hope in the present characters that have remained in power feeding us with lies of impossibilities. They have failed us but we must not fail ourselves also. You can be part of this movement anywhere you are. Let's organise ourselves. All you need to do is to believe it is possible and tell others that the fire is burning now. We will have this movement across the country in all the states of the federation. We have just started and it will happen. Save it, believe it, Like it and share it. This is our collective determination. My name is Pelumi Olajengbesi and I am a Nigerian. #YouthLeadNigeria #YouthLeadFCT 1. YouthLeadAbia 2. YouthLeadAdamawa 3. YouthLeadAnambra 4. YouthLeadAkwa Ibom 5. YouthLeadBauchi 6. YouthLeadBayelsa 7. YouthLeadBenue 8. YouthLeadBorno 9. YouthLeadCross River 10. YouthLeadDelta 11. YouthLeadEbonyi 12. YouthLeadEnugu 13. YouthLeadEdo 14. YouthLeadEkiti 15. YouthLeadGombe 16. YouthLeadImo 17. YouthLeadJigawa 18. YouthLeadKaduna 19. YouthLeadKano 20. YouthLeadKatsina 21. YouthLeadKebbi 22. YouthLeadKogi 23. YouthLeadKwara 24. YouthLeadLagos 25. YouthLeadNasarawa 26. YouthLeadNiger 27. YouthLeadOgun 28. YouthLeadOndo 29. YouthLeadOsun 30. YouthLeadOyo 31. YouthLeadPlateau 32. YouthLeadRivers 33. YouthLeadSokoto 34. YouthLeadTaraba 35. YouthLeadYobe 36. YouthLeadZamfara

DR. OMASHOLA, A LECTURER THAT TURNS HIMSELF TO DEMIGOD I was relaxing in my house this evening when I received a call of a lecturer maltreating the student of the Theater Art Department, University of Abuja. I ran to the scene to see what was happening. Here is the story: A 100 Level student of Theater Art Deparment, University of Abuja whose name is Lateefat Haruna came late to a rehearsal. Getting to the Open Air Theater of University of Abuja in Gwagwalada Phase 2, she held her phone (iPhone 7) when she got to the venue, trying to put her phone inside her bag, a phone rang and the lecturer thought it was Lateefa's phone, the lecturer (Dr. Omashola) told her to bring the phone and threw the phone away over the fence of Open Air Theater. The phone got spoilt, the lecturer also sent the student out of the venue in spite of all the appeals from her mates, the lecturer refused and as well marked her absent in the rehearsal attendance. It was gathered that the lecturer has done this to more than 4 students without being questioned, it is high time we put an end to this madness. The iPhone 7 that was threw away was just purchased at the rate of #240,000. This maltreatment, harassment and insane idiosyncracy must be halted. If the lecturer is not checked and cautioned, one day, he will kill one of our student. It has become pertinent that we must take up a serious action against this insanity and ensure that the damaged iPhone 7 is replaced. This is not his first time of this vicious act, but this must be his last act of this type. Our objective is to bring back sanity into the system of University of Abuja. Therefore, I wish to beckon on all the concerned comrades to join me tomorrow morning as we march to the office of Dr. Omoshola to demand for justice. Aluta Continua! Comr. Seyi Teggy.

UNIABUJA INSECURITY AND CLINICAL INEFFICIENCY: A THREAT TO STUDENTS LIFE AND PROPERTIES. Achieving a university education is fast becoming a gamble between death and degrees as University of Abuja suffer a wave of insecurity and clinical inefficiency. While I hold strongly, there should be absolutely no meaningful development on campus that should surpass the general safety of students and properties. Early this morning I got a phone call from a student notifying me of the death of a girl from the department of History by name "SIMI" due to lack of insecurity and clinical inefficiency. The deceased whose death was as a result of trying to run for her life from armed robbers in front of the University gate and eventually lost her life to a speeding vehicle. In an attempt to rescue her from an untimely death, the girl was rushed to the clinic by the driver who knocked her down but unfortunately he was disappointed at what he met at the University clinic. My deepest sympathies goes to the family and the entire students of the prestigious University of Abuja. May she rest in peace! The students have over the years been battling with protracted insecurity leading to loss of precious lives. I believe an institution who fails to protect its students from foreseeable harm, acted negligently. This goes to allude the fact that the University management are ideally hoped to leave no stone unturned in ensuring the demand of students in a peaceful protest early this morning to relief the University Chief Security Officer of his duty and to adequately staffed and equipped the University clinic is adhere to within short period of time. Therefore I like to encourage the new leadership of the Students union government to ensure their demand is met by the University management in order to forestall such occurrence, and as well continue to supply voice and vision for the genuine emancipation of the entire students. I urge the entire students of the prestigious University of Abuja to support, pray and encourage the new leadership of the union. Viva Aluta... Comr. Ogunsanmi Seyi Teggy

NO REVOLUTION WITHOUT A SOLIDARITY. In a quest to redeem the image of the students union government and to protect the right and privilege of students of the prestigious University of Abuja. The University of Abuja alumni has taken it upon itself to rise a revolution against all oppressive tendencies in the University, who has been a major relapse on the part of progress of the students union government and the University as an institution. Recently some of the students who are Cormardes were defamed of their character by labelling cultist by the University CSO, Col. Solomon Ngbede rtd. I for one consider this terrible and horrendous in a sane society, while I believe strongly allegation should be base on fact, abuse, and evidence prove. Presently we have 22 legal practitioners who are all alumni of the prestigious University of Abuja that have volunteered to ensure victimization, oppression, and harassment of the Students comes to an end. It is with respect to this, I adjure all alumni of the prestigious University of Abuja who are yet to identify with this genuine course, to join this movement in order to liberate the students who have overtime been victimize, whose right have been trample upon in the time past and present, and as well been enslaved by the University authority in a draconian manner. These solidarity call is to demand an end to all forms of intimidation, victimization and harassment of the Students by the University management. This revolution demands solidarity, commitment, courage, trust, belief of all University of Abuja alumni. Who Dares, Wins. Thank you. Comr. Ogunsanmi Seyi Teggy

AN INEPT CSO: UNIABUJA'S MISFORTUNE I cannot help but worry and fuss over the state of affairs of my Alma mata, the University of Abuja, especially pertaining to its students Unionism and the attempts to stunt it's growth and independence by willy and unruly characters. Having served as a one time President of the Student Union, I remain very much concerned about the quality of the school 's academic, social and welfare programmes or policies as they directly or indirectly affect the student body. It is my conviction that the sum total of the experiences had in school shape the focus, perception and attitude of students in the wider society. Thus, it is imperative that nothing but the very best in a holistic and all encompassing way be the lot of students in school. It is thus with much alarm that I have observed the shameless antics of the University of Abuja Chief Security Officer (CSO), Rtd.Col Solomon Ngbede whose whims have become a source of major embarrassment, disappointment and in fact, social and security liability to the University. A sum of his actions in the period of his tenureship so far show an utter disregard or ignorance of the philosophies, values and objectives that drives the University. All of these become even more worrisome given how cozy or unconcerned the University management has been with his obvious misbehaviour, indiscipline and show of inept intelligence. Any careful observer of the CSO 's character and proclivities will come to the inevitable conclusion that he lacks the mental capacity, social and interpersonal skill required of his office. And even if one decides to forgive his many failings/shortcomings on the premise of his lack of exposure on proper interpersonal relations, his disdain for inalienable individual rights and his cocky way of victimising students and staffs leaves much to be desired. At the very root of my concern is how such a person like him was elevated to occupy such a sensitive position in the University. The poor quality of our educational system today is seemingly one undone by its very own caretakers - both the academic and non-academic staff. An all-round education transcends the walls of lecture halls to the observable character direction of its population. Students tend to look up to their lecturers and other staff members for instruction and mentorship, and so when the the example out there is terrible the result is unimpressive. Exposed to frivolous characters such as that of the CSO, young people inculcate or adopt terrible character choices that range from oppressive to a love for impunity, malicious tendencies, criminal manipulation and a knack for deceit and lies. Are we truly unaware of this social possibility, or is our silence simply complicity? I have had several first-hand run-ins with the University of Abuja CSO and always came off with the impression that the man can't even tell his terrible choices apart from each other, he seems adrift in a sea of frivolity, perennially indecisive, negatively spontaneous and shallow in thoughts and words. I have never wasted an opportunity to register my dislike for his actions during or off management meetings with the school authority. In none of our encounters did he emerge as a man with reasonable character content; it is futile to hope that he can or is even willing to redeem or revamp his poor image within and outside the school. And in staying true to character, he struck again only recently in the just concluded SUG election. In keeping with the guidelines for the SUG election, student-candidates had picked nominations forms valued at N25,000 to indicate their interest in certain elective offices, undergone security screenings by external security agencies such as the police, and then by internal security ( the University security outfit) and were cleared for participation. Having undergone all integrity and character checks and passing same, these students were neck-deep into the demands of campaigning when the University struck in a manner that is becoming habitual. With just one day to election day proper, it published and arbitrarily disqualified some students without a single cogent reason offered. About four (4) Presidential candidates were disqualified and so many other people in several capacities creating unnecessary tension and confusion in the University. An assessment of amongst those disqualified is with a CGPA pegged over 4.0 and others with no single security report against them, soon made it obvious that it was all a sham process to silence and stem the rise of certain students whose activsim have become a thorn on the flesh of the authorities. This is not to say that victory would have been definitely theirs but they were each top contenders, and thus their disqualification was so timed to weaken their strong campaign and chances in the election. The affected students approached the Vice Chancellor demanding for justice and the VC in his good characteristic manner directed them to meet with the CSO to give them reasons for their disqualifications immediately. No one could have foreseen the hysterics that the CSO played out. In a hall with top University functionaries and students, the CSO in his habitual crude and unrefined manner began to tag and label these student activists as cultists, pulling out cult names such as Bulkaneer, Axeman and all at random and flinging it at the very much surprised students. He was excitedly defaming these students. I need not expouse on the implication of such unfounded labeling on the students and their ensuing perception by fellow students and benefactors in the campus going forward. All of this because one man 's unbridled abuse of the powers of his office and his deluded logic went unchecked. The theatricals did not stop there. One of the contestant for the Vice President roles sought clarification for her own disqualification having cleared all the laid down processes only to suffer from one of the CSO 's uncouth outburst. " You were a strong personality in the past SUG administration and we don't want you, we don't want a continuity of that". You are close to Pelumi and and he must be your sponsor so you are disqualified. " Honestly, even as I write this I am yet to make sense of such a mental failure or childish ground for disqualification. The CSO spoke as if the SUG is his personal fiefdom, where he dictates who may or may not run for office. Utter rubbish. I think we have allowed this particular officer run amok and amiss long enough, he must be shown the way out of office before he does irreparable harm to the University's image. Any student of the University of Abuja that condones the CSO or allows the CSO harass him or her is not fit to be human. University of Abuja is a sane environment and anyone who displays any tendency otherwise must not be allowed and condoned. As a former student of the University, former Students Union President, let it be stated that myself and colleagues would not condone any such further display of impunity by the CSO. He is here reminded of the duty of his office, sworn to the defence and protection of the school and it's students, a task he is greatly inadequate for and should thus be relieved of. We shall soon be approaching the federal high court for an order under the FOI Act to request for his medical records from the University as we are in doubt of his soundness and state of mind for the job. We shall also be requesting that he show cause to prove he is fit for the job in court vis a vis some of his utterances and actions in the past. We have received complaints from students about how he sweats profusely even under the air conditioner and talks in a manner that cast doubt on his state of mind. His actions are unfathomable, crude and not needed in such a refined and sane institution. Until the 'need-ful' is done, we intend to meet him action for action, words for words at every turn. We will not cower before a man so arrogantly misbehaved and with a bloated sense of importance. We've met worse, we know just how to handle his type. Pelumi Olajengbesi Esq is a civil rights activist, legal practitioner and former Students Union President of the University of Abuja.

JUSTICE FOR COMR. AMEH DESTINY. THE STRUGGLE MUST START NOW! Let's Say No to Injustice. Let's save the ACADEMIC PURSUIT OF COMR. AMEH DESTINY, a STUDENT OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ABUJA UNJUSTLY RUSTICATED FROM THE UNIVERSITY. Fellow Nigerians, I subscribe strongly to the view that he who is silent in the face of injustice is in partnership with hell fire. Comr. Ameh Destiny, a student-leader of the University of Abuja, during the fuel pump price increment saga (from N95 to N145) mobilised willing students to show solidarity with the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) in Abuja city. Some elements within the University system who have been uncomfortable with his courage and unionism manipulated the Disciplinary Committee to penalise him for exercising his inviolable right to participate in a protest against unfairness in the larger Nigerian society. The protest was peaceful, the protest was not in the University, the protest had nothing to do with the university, nonetheless the university was desperate to humiliate him, to dampen the morale of other students of University of Abuja in the exercise of their social liberty. Comr. Ameh Destiny was rusticated by the University despite appeals from ASUU and other sister Unions in the University. The university oppressed him and expelled him against good advice and appeal. We call on all Nigerians and lovers of freedom to please join in the demand for justice on behalf of Comr. Ameh Destiny. All alumni of the University of Abuja must rise to add impetus to this protest against the abuse of power in the University. All students and staffs must reject this reckless display of arbitrary power by University of Abuja management. Injustice to one is injustice to all. We want justice for AMEH Destiny. Please lets keep sharing. Please support with your voice and courage. Pelumi Olajengbesi Esq.

UNIVERSITY OF ABUJA VC MUST NOT ABUSE IS OFFICE Fellow past and present Comrades of the prestigious University of Abuja, there is a huge task ahead of us starting from our Leader, Dr. Kari down to all other new generation comrades. Posterity will never forgive us if we refuse to speak out and salvage the University students from oppression. Students unionism is not a privilege but fundamental rights of students and it must not be hijacked by oppressive authorities. We have a duty to ensure we have SUG election and the preparation should commence now. There is a shocking discovery that the management has concluded plans to ensure no election by refusing to start any form of preparations. It is more shocking and embarrassing that the Vice Chancellor of our University can allow himself to be used against the interest of students. In a University of over 20,000 students, the VC appointed a contestant for the Position of President, from his village and tribe to become the Transition Committee Chairman after he stopped the election. We choose not to complain because he promised there will be election immediately students resumes and members of the Transition Committee will not be eligible to contest. Importantly, my Senior told me we have to allow them the benefit of the doubt and we kept observing. However, to my surprise, what we now hear is that the VC has proclaimed is candidate as the President of Students and that any student that demands for election will be expelled. While I want to doubt such report, I wish to appeal that the Vice Chancellor should not abuse is office. The position he occupies belongs to the public and he must protect his image. I want to advice my friend, Felix Onuh, the Transition Chairman to proceed and meet with the Students Affairs and announce the date of election. He should be honourable so that history can record you well as a gentleman with great desires for justice. I want to call on Icon Pelumi Olajengbesi, my leader and mentor, we know you can do it, please let's raise agitation for the election. Today, the TC has been reporting issues that does not affect their mandates, they have suddenly been assisting the Students Affairs in doing their jobs, yet hostel accommodation fee was increased. A lot of funny funny fees here and there in the name of generating revenue. I am surprised that the TC chairman can boldly defile the esteemed office of the SUG President by opening the office and sitting on the prestigious seat. That is wrong, that office is only for the elected President or a caretaker chairman, TC have no place in that office. That singular act shows he is desperate. It is immoral, criminal, unjust, unethical, uncomrade like. It is like a slave appointed to clean the throne who is now seating on the throne. God will forgive Felix. I know you will not want to go down in history for the wrong reasons. Save your name now and save your image, stop that unholy relationship with the oppressors. I wish you all the best.

WE SUPPORT IF POSSIBLE, WE CONFRONT IF NECESSARY As a combatant comrade, well groomed by Generals of Aluta, I fully understand the ubiquitous doctrine of the 3Cs in unionism. The first C stands for Consultation, this is a show of respect to the system. The second C stands for Consolidation, this is also a sign of cooperation, but if the first two Cs failed to hit the nail, we result to the third C, this is Confrontation "operation lewon lare". I've heard many insinuations that SUG ELECTION might not be held by the management and the Transition Committee, I first debunked it as normal rumours until I got a clue of how comrades were been intimidated by management. Many people from the side of oppressors thought combatant comrades are no longer in the system, I beg to disagree, if the management plays with our first two Cs, we may result to the third C, and I guess it would serve as a setback for once harmonious system. Over years, Mr Vice Chancellor and the Division of Students Affairs have enjoyed the cooperation from the students of this University of Abuja, but our gentility should never be mistaken for timidity, we are just trying to show high level of humility for the sake of tranquility. Section 40 of 1999 Constitution as amended says " Every person shall be entitled to assemble freely and associate with other persons, and in particular he may form or belong to any political party, trade union or any other association for the protection of his interests". With this, I beg to inform the system that unionism is not our privilege, it is our right fully protected by both domestic and international laws. Again, I find it necessary to reiterate these to our hearings, intimidating Nigerian students that are demanding for SUG election with expulsion and rustication can only wake the devil in us, that can never suppress the emancipating spirit in comradeship. By the virtue of our location, we can make and unmake. It will be a setback for the system for the students from the university to be writing petitions to different agencies of government on daily basis because of the system that supposed to ordinarily enjoy our cooperation. The management should rather listen to the yearning of the teeming Nigerian Students and give us a date for election, management should not romance with Transition Committee as if they have succeeded in sending union back to trenches, the announcement of election date is the only visible way to avert and mitigate the foreseeable perilous futurity. Just like one Aluta General would say, If you have seen 99, to see 100 will not be a fear. To before warned is to before harmed, and again, forewarned is forearmed. COMRADE Ogunsamson. P.R.O of National Association of Nigerian Students, F.C.T Axis.

This is to invite the general public to 6th Edition of Dr. FREDERICK FASHEUN ANNUAL PUBLIC LECTURE organised by the Integrity Icons Organization. Date: Wednesday, November 9, 2016 - 11:00am Venue: International Events Centre, the Dome, Akure, Ondo State. Lecture scheduled as follows: TOPIC: The Nigeria Quest for Social Justice and Credible Leadership: The Travail of a Nation on Trial. SPEAKER: Mr Dare Babarinsa (Chairman, Gaskia Media Limited) CHAIRPERSON: High chief Raymond Alero Dokpesi (Chairman, Daar Communication Plc) MUSIC BY: Beautiful Nubia Thank you.

TODAY MARKS A MAJOR MILESTONE IN MY LIFE Completing my B.SC PROGRAMME is a fulfillment of career, personal and long time goal. Bachelor of Science in Pure and Applied Chemistry has been a longtime goal of mine, I dreamt, I believed, I strived and achieved. I have worked hard over the years to get to this point in my life, I have learned a lot and have grown as a person on the journey to this point. And after years of putting my nose to the grindstone, studying hard, and many ups and downs, today I walked across the stage, finally flipped my tassel, wrote my final examination in the department of Chemistry, University of Abuja. Few days to come, I will be officially holding my certificate and proudly say I am a Chemist. I am extremely excited about this new chapter of my life and I can’t wait to see what life has to offer, yet I feel like I’m going to miss UNIABUJA CAMPUS LIFE. For quite numbers of reasons, passion and in my own way of rendering service to humanity, I was involved in a genuine students activism on campus which have sharpened my intellectual fecundity, remold my leadership style and added more value to my personality. More importantly, it would not be right of me not to say a few words in my moment of triumph to some persons who in one way or the other, directly or indirectly got me to where I am today. First to my family, we’ve had our ups and downs over the years, but one of the things that has always remained constant, from my mum, dad and grandmother, to my countless aunts and uncles, is that you have all always stressed the need and importance of education, and been steadfast supporters in my pursuit of it. I hope me walking across that stage today is proof that for all the lessons I may have ignored, this is one that I took to heart. To all my friends, most in particular, Adeyeye Moses (sorelee), Olanrewaju Femi (Famous), Akinwale Akinbode (Bodeasky), Ajao Bolaji (BJ), and my own coursemate, brother from another mother, Adebisi Ademola (Otunba), I owe all of you a tremendous debt. My time with you all did a lot to shape me into who I am today than nearly anything else. We came from every conceivable background and walk of life, but I learned from every one of you, and more importantly, can call you all my friends even today. We’ve all had our ups and downs over the years, struggling together to survive in the University of Abuja, you will forever be my friends. To my Mentor and Leader, Mr Ade, an academician, a titanic comrade, politician, notable and reputable lecturer in the department of mathematics, your word of advice and encouragement on how to balance my academic pursuit with students unionism and activism has been a helping tool that made today a reality in my life. thank you for believing in me. To my brother, leader, mentor, one time SUG PRESIDENT of the prestigious University of Abuja, Comr Pelumi Olajengbesi, thank you for believing in me, I wish you success in your BAR FINAL EXAMINATION. I will not but mention the likes of Professor Nwanbueze of chemistry department, Professor Kolawole (Deputy Vice Chancellor Academics), Mrs Balogun, Dr Nasiru of physic department, Dr Ranti Ojo (the HOD of History Department), Dr Gabriel of Chemistry department, Mr Dami of physic department, Dr Akande of philosophy department, Mr Ejeikwu of Biology Department, Miss Nuela, Dr Kolawole, Dr (Mrs) Osanaiye (NNPC), and Professor (Mrs) Mary Dauda, one time Head of Department (HOD) of the great department of Chemistry, indeed you are a mother, I cherished your constant check on my academic status and word of advice, I wish to use this medium to congratulate her on her recent award as Professor of analytical chemistry, to all of you, I am forever grateful for your contribution to who I am today. To all my coursemates, over the years we have had good and bad moments together, time to study (till day break) and time to party, time to mourn and time to celebrate. Today we are free from all sleepless nights and frustrated moments that University of Abuja must have made us to undergo. Looking back on all the things we have done together as coursemates makes me happy. You have done all you can to set a foundation of success. You are going into the world with your hearts and your eyes open. You have prepared as best you can, and while you likely will still struggle out there because we are in the modern era that are full of challenges and most importantly considering the economic crisis in this country, do not despair of the failure that will inevitably confront you and do not ignore the realities of what is ahead. I must remind you not to let your fear of the unknown overcome your pride in all that you have accomplished during your years as an undergraduate. I implore you to tie your dreams to practicalities, accept the challenges of life that are to come, and always hold true to the perseverance you have all always shown. Remember: “Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts.” do not let the end of your study in University of Abuja marks the end of your learning. To those who doubted me, got in my way, or simply did what they could to make the journey here as unpleasant as they could, I only want to say this: look at me now. Watch where I go from here. Lastly though, I want to appreciate the entire students of the prestigious University of Abuja, most in particular all the ever dogged, gallant, rugged, corrosive and alutaristic combatant comrades for your love and support at all time. Here I stand today, I finished my final year exams and I can now officially say that I have finally completed my studies and I’m about to graduate from the University of Abuja. I am excited about the possibilities ahead of me. UNIABUJA now behind me, the world ahead of me. I can’t wait to see where I go from here.

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