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Views Exchange

, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Small business



Free Youtube Views, Register now for free! What is Views Exchange?

ViewsExchange is a System where you can add your Videos to our Database and it will be viewed by real people, not bots.

How does it work exactly?

Our Application will select a random video from the database and it will be viewed for 30 seconds. Later on we will add a Feature where you will choose on how much time your video will be viewed if you're interested in retention views.

The ratio is 1 credit = 1 view, and you will get 1 credit for each other videos

you watch, which means every 30 seconds you will get 1 credit.

Are the Views Safe?

Yes, the Views are 100% Safe because first of all your Video is going to be viewed by Real People not Bots, our Redirects will come from Twitter/Facebook and other YouTube Videos.

Want Faster Results?

If you don't have the time to use our Application and want Fast Views you can do this by buying our Credits. You can buy 1000 credits very cheap for $1.35. Later on we will add Subscriptions which for a reasonable amount each month you will get Extra Video Slots + 2x. Multiplier when using our Software.


If you have any problems regarding Adding Videos, Software Problems and all other stuff you can contact us in the help section of our Forums. Our Administration will try to answer your query As Soon As Possible.



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