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2030, Whenigrowup

, Luxembourg, Luxembourg



Children's Personal Development through the Means of Cinema  2030, WHEN i GROWUP is an all-round weekend atelier designed for children between 4 and 11 years old. Using a camera, legos, paper, house objects, pens, mom’s make-up, dad’s necktie and whatever crosses their way, children learn personal development through the art of story-telling, stop motion and cinema. That's how they create their small series in which they offer their creative solutions to everyday adult life ...

2030, WHENiGROWUP is a cross-media project to be conducted under the umbrella of INTERACTIVECINEMEDUCATION - a center for multidisciplinary development and education through the means of the Audio-Visual.

2030, WHENiGROWUP consists of interactive filmmaking workshops for children, a game/app, a book and many more suprises!

The filmmaking workshops are based on children’s direct participation in the storytelling and animation process. This is how the participating children (5 to 11 years old) play a vital role in creating their own future. We call on established medical and health professionals, child educators, coaches, psychologists and respected experts from the cinema industry to help the participating children translate their OWN ideas into fresh, ground breaking content.

2030, WHEN I GROW UP is a never-ending educational experience, a way of discovering in which direction children need to take their own passions, lead a creative life, learn and share their ideas and concerns about the future. If they wanted it and worked for it, the little visionaries could fill glossy pages and internet waves with stories that could move viewers - adults and children - could make them remember their goals in life and hold on to them.  One day, they would look back with pride and nostalgia to their inner child.

What’s needed to prepare your child for the future ? The answer may surprise you!
Stay tuned !



NEAR 2030, Whenigrowup