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Atelier 14 Clervaux

14 rue Ley, Clervaux, Luxembourg
Art Gallery



"Atelier 14 Clervaux" is a place for Art classes, exhibition and production in the north of Luxembourg. Within the walls of "Atelier Veerman" the artist Piet Veerman gives his son the artist and art teacher Zahrée Veerman (B.A. Art and design in education, Major Visual Arts) the opportunity to present drawings and paintings he made during the last decade.
Comic Illustrations, surrealistic drawings and also digital work show the many different facets of his work.

In the spirit of collaboration and education we decided to open up this beautiful exhibition space to young artist and art Students from Luxembourg and the greater region.


Atelier14 has a little brother now and it's called Project31. As many of you already know it will become a place for Artist and crafts(wo)men to showcase some of their work. It's also going to be my workplace while I'm there to sell rare and unique handmade objects. At first I wanted to make regional souveniers with an artistic twist. But becouse others have picked up thatidea, there is no more need for me to do the same 😊 there wil happen a lot in the north of Luxembourg. Be sure to keep in touch. Are you an Artist and want to show your work(small format only) in my shop? Write me a personal message. Do you want to join me for my monthly exhibition at Atelier 14 ? Send me a pm. In both cases prepare a porfolio and a CV. See u soon Zahrée.

From next thursday on every thursday from 14h-16h.

Doodle-Atelier and Live Drawing @ Atelier 14 Luxembourg.

Doodle-Atelier and Live Drawing @ Atelier 14 Luxembourg.

Atelier 14 Luxembourg's cover photo

Atelier 14 Luxembourg's cover photo

Photos from Atelier 14 Luxembourg's post

Ready for some hungry People. Coffee, Cookies and more wait for you @ the porte ouverte in Atelier 14 Luxembourg. Get ready for some DoodleArt soon.

Photos from Atelier 14 Luxembourg's post

Timeline Photos

First flyers of the year are ready! Second exhibition will be called: "Good intentions" - A pen, a man and a piece of paper. It's a solo exhibition and it's not such much about showing existing work. More to show how I work. I'll Start drawing at 14:00 and stop at 18:00 so if you want to see me work come by. You can also be creative while I work and join in. Please contact me directly for reservation and more informations at or +352 691 917878. Atelier 14 - Luxembourg Rue Ley 14, L-9713, Clervaux Tel: 691 91 78 78

Timeline Photos


NEAR Atelier 14 Clervaux