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ADAS Counsel

Tirana &, Pristina, Kosovo
Consulting Agency



ADAS Counsel ADAS Counsel is an agency created in 1996 (known as AA Studio until 2004) In Tirana Albania and later in Kosovo  and Montenegro etc., offering services mainly on intellectual property matters and related aspects.  General the services covered all the administrative and legal aspects of the IP but also the enforcement of the companies rights against unfair competition fraud or infringement at all stages.  The office remains the office managing the greatest patents rights in Kosovo generally in pharmaceutics and biochemistry for our clients in USA, Europe and Asia. The office represents the local and regional clients in the field of Intellectual property also in regional countries.  Agency provides also a wide assistance services to Inventors, and technology transfer, Know-How for Kosovo entrepreneurs and Inventors as well as educative programs to business and Universities.  ADAS Counsel Kosovo is proud member of International Trademark Association (INTA); ECTA European Communites trademark association, AIIPI, local AmCham of Commerce etc.,



KOSOVO Draft Law on Innovation, Knowledge Transfer and Technology The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology has opened the public consultation for this draft law which aims to regulate innovation and knowledge transfer and technology in the Republic of Kosovo. AmCham has welcomed the initiative for drafting this law, considering the enormous potential that innovation and technology have in terms of accelerating the economic development in Kosovo. According to the draft law, the following institutions are considered bearers of innovations in Kosovo:  Academy of Arts and Sciences  Universities and other higher education institutions  Scientific research institutions  Innovation Centers  Companies and Enterprises  Other physical and legal persons, domestic and foreign KOSOVA Projektligji për Inovacion dhe Transfer të Dijes dhe Teknologjisë Ministria e Arsimit, Shkencës dhe Teknologjisë ka nxjerrë në diskutim publik këtë projektligj i cili ka për qëllim rregullimin e fushës së Inovacionit, Transferit të Dijes dhe Teknologjisë në Republikën e Kosovës. Oda Amerikane ka mirëpritur hartimin e një projektligji të tillë, duke pasur parasysh potencialin që inovacioni dhe teknologjia kanë për të përshpejtuar zhvillimin ekonomik në Kosovë. Sipas projektligjit, bartësit e inovacionit janë:  Akademia e Shkencave dhe e Arteve e Kosovës;  Universitetet dhe institucionet tjera të arsimit të lartë;  Institutet kërkimore-shkencore;  Qendrat e Inovacionit;  Kompanitë dhe ndërmarrjet;  Personat tjerë fizikë dhe juridikë vendorë dhe të huaj.

​KOSOVO Draft law on Customs Measures for Protection of Intellectual Property Rights The Ministry of Finance has opened the public consultation for the Draft law on Customs Measures for Protection of Intellectual Property Rights. This Law regulates the rights, responsibilities, principles and customs measures for Kosovo Custom’s action on goods which are suspicious to infringe the intellectual property rights, including trademarks, industrial design, copyrights, patents etc. The need for drafting a law of this nature has been identified by the Kosovo Customs, having in consideration the challenges they have faced so far during the implementation of the existing laws covering this topic.​ KOSOVA Projektligji mbi Masat Doganore për Mbrojtjen e të Drejtave të Pronësisë Intelektuale Ministria e Financave e Qeverisë së Republikës së Kosovës ka nxjerrë në diskutim publik Projektligjin mbi Masat Doganore për Mbrojtjen e të Drejtave të Pronësisë Intelektuale. Ky projektligj rregullon të drejtat, përgjegjësitë dhe masat doganore që mund t’i ndërmarrë Dogana e Kosovës kur produktet dyshohet se shkelin të drejtat e pronësisë intelektuale, duke përfshirë markat tregtare, dizajnin industrial, të drejtat e autorit, patentat etj. Nevoja për nxjerrjen e një ligji të ri në këtë fushë është identifikuar nga Dogana e Kosovës, duke pasur parasysh sfidat me të cilat ata janë përballur gjatë zbatimit të ligjit paraprak që ka rregulluar këtë fushë

Announcement (Notice) On 25.03.2017 entered into force the new law no. 17/2017 "On amendments and additions to the Law 9947, dated 7.7.2008" On Industrial Property, "adopted by the Assembly of the Republic of Albania, dated 02.16.2017, published in the Official Gazette no. 43 dated 09/03. Based on Article 1 of this Law, the name of the institution "General Directorate of Patents and Trademarks" (DPPM) is replaced with the term "General Directorate of Industrial Property" (DPPI). In implementing the new legal changes, DPPI notifies all applicants for registration of industrial property objects to refer to the provisions of this Law, starting from the date of its entry into force, 25.03.2017 The Albanian version of law in force is found in the link below: Specifically the goals to be achieved through this Law are: · Facilitation of examination procedures, as well as the creation of a legal environment to improve electronic services and communication. Creation of possibility for the on-line application in order to facilitate the procedures. · Creating a legal basis for the provision of IP objects and to use them as collateral, to ensure that the IP objects to take the belonging market value. · Adjusting some DPPI procedures and competencies, based on national and international practice of law enforcement in the IP field. · Determination of legal criteria for well-known marks. · Creating a legal basis for the licensing of IP experts from DPPI for lawsuits and investigations. · Creating a legal basis for the establishment a processing chamber for revocation / repeal as well as chamber for consideration of oppositions, as part of DPPI’s structure. · Determination the powers of revocation / repeal chamber and of chamber for consideration of opposition. · Accuracy of procedures for registration of geographical indications and designations of origin in order to avoid the problems encountered in practice. · Re-composition of the Board of Appeal such as a structure even with external experts and it’s powered with important legal competences. · Revising criteria for the licensing of Patent and Trademark Attorneys. · Changing the naming and administrative structure of DPPI from a public budget institution into an autonomous agency under Articles 10 and 20 of Law no. 90/2012, "On organization and functioning of state administration" in order to strengthen the administrative and financial capacity, as a key element of the realization of its mission.

KOSOVO Industrial Property Agency has published the Official Bulletin No.54, which can be downloaded in below link. For any information regarding the IPA Bulletin and published applications/registrations of trademarks, especially if you notice any possible opposition, third parties observation, corrections, or other similar situation please contact us, before the deadline of 01.03.2017

GSK BRINGS PFIZER TO COURT IN IRELAND GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) has taken Pfizer Ireland Pharmaceuticals to court over alleged patent infringement of a meningitis vaccine. The complaint, filed in the Commercial Court in Dublin, centres on Pfizer’s Trumenba, a vaccine developed for active immunisation to prevent Meningitis B that the company is manufacturing in Ireland. GSK is seeking an injunction barring Pfizer from infringing, and wants all manufacturing of Trumenba to cease. In a statement on the action, GSK said it firmly believes in the strength of its case and will continue to take appropriate action to defend its IP rights. It said: “Earlier this year, GSK reached a supply agreement on our Meningitis B vaccine with the Department of Health making Ireland only the second country in the world to have a national vaccination programme against Meningitis B.” “GSK’s priority is to ensure a secure supply of this vaccine for the Irish programme so that babies can be protected from Meningitis B.” GSK added that its case will have no impact on the availability of its vaccine in Ireland or elsewhere in Europe. Pfizer said in a statement that it "believes the patents are invalid and not infringed and will pursue the action vigorously" (IPR patents)

SI TË MBROHEN TË DREJTAT E PRONËSISË INTELEKTUALE - TRAJNIM NË SHKUP Avancimin e njohurive të gjykatësve dhe prokurorëve për aspektin penal, mbrojtja qytetare dhe administrativo-juridike e pronës intelektuale dhe përgatitja e tyre finale në Bashkimin Evropian ka për qëllim trajnimi "Mbrojtja civilo-juridike e të drejtave me pronësi intelektuale", që sot dhe nesër mbahet në Akademinë e gjykatësve dhe prokurorëve publikë "Pavell Shatev" në Shkup. Trajnimi është në kuadër të projektit "Përforcimi i zbatimit të të drejtave me pronësi intelektuale", i organizuar nga Akademia e gjykatësve dhe prokurorëve publikë "Pavell Shatev" në bashkëpunim me Entin shtetëror për pronësi industriale dhe Zyrës daneze për patentë dhe marka tregtare. Projekti do të zgjasë 19 muaj dhe financohet nga BE-ja. Drejtoresha e Akademisë për gjykatës dhe prokurorë publikë, Aneta Arnaudovska deklaroi se në trajnime ngjarjet më të reja të kësaj sfere do t'i prezentojnë ekspertët e nivelit më të lartë, gjykatës në gjykatat supreme të Lituanisë, Rumanisë, Italisë, Danimarkës, prokurorë publikë dhe ekspertë, policë dhe ekspertë të Zyrës daneze për patentë dhe marka tregtare. "Trajnimet dhe qëllimet e projektit përkojnë me raportin e fundit të KE-së për progresin e Maqedonisë, që rekomandon përforcimin e përndjekjes penale në këtë sferë, ngritjen e vetëdijes publike dhe sigurimin e koordinimit të të gjitha organeve që marrin pjesë në prezentimin e legjislaturës nga kjo sferë", tha Arnaudovska. Këshilltari i përhershëm tuining, Jane Hedegard tha se projekti ka për qëllim mbështetjen e përforcimit të zbatimit të të drejtave me pronësi intelektuale, por edhe rritjen e vetëdijes publike dhe bashkësisë së biznesit për nevojën dhe përfitimet e mbrojtjes së pronësisë intelektuale. Sipas Zane Peterson, gjykatëse e Sektorit për raste qytetare të Gjykatës Supreme të Letonisë, mbrojtja e pronësisë intelektuale është një prej fushave më të rëndësishme për momentin si në Maqedoni ashtu edhe në Letoni, ashtu edhe në mbarë botën. "Kjo është ndër fushat më serioze të krimit në botë aktualisht. Kjo është fushë e cila po zhvillohet shumë shpejtë dhe ndihmon që të financohen edhe fushat e tjera të krimit. Prandaj është shumë e rëndësishme për gjyqësinë, doganën dhe prokurorinë të trajnohen dhe sa më mirë të njoftohen me këtë temë", tha Peterson. Në trajnimin dyditor marrin pjesë gjykatës të sektorëve civilë dhe sektorëve për konteste tregtare, përfaqësues të Entit shtetëror për pronësi industriale, ekspertë të pavarur ekonomik, përfaqësues të së drejtave të pronësisë intelektuale dhe përfaqësues të institucioneve të tjera relevante./MIA/

KOSOVO GET ITS STATE TELEPHONE CODE +383. SERBIA GET A LAND LANE AND MOBILE LICENSE, IN KOSOVO AND THE PROSPECTIVE OF MILLIONS OF EUROS PROFIT Pristina and Belgrade under the EU facilitation reached on Sunday an arrangement on further implementation of the agreed and signed Telecommunications Agreement from 2013 and the 2015 Action Plan stemming from this Agreement. The agreements will ensure that a three-digit dialing code is allocated by the International Telecommunications Union to Kosovo, the EU announced in a press release. “The parties agreed on the mobile telephony and frequency bands and spectrums to be allocated to Mts d.o.o in Kosovo, enabling it to continue to provide the current level of coverage to its customers. The arrangement also enables the transfer of assets to Mts d.o.o without any customs, taxes or charges. The parties agreed on a migration period of two years during which a dual numbering approach will be used, in order to allow customers of the new company to continue using their existing number in Kosovo in which the company operates,” it is stated in the press release. Serbia will send a letter to the ITU on 3 December agreeing that a three-digit code can be allocated to Kosovo. According to the press release the EU welcomes this outcome and urges both sides to accelerate progress on all other outstanding Agreements implementation work, in particular the Association/Community of Serb majority municipalities and on Energy. The ITU will allocate Kosovo’s telephone code +383 on 15 December 2016. Our country will have its telephone code as any other country and will exercise full sovereignty on its telephone code, while other codes which are currently in use in Kosovo (381, 377, 386) will no longer be used.

ADVERTISING THROUGH PROTECTED SLOGANS BECOME IMPORTANT In 1965 Storck (the German manufacturer of Merci) introduces the brilliant idea to market chocolate specifically as a gift. Chocolate for friends to show your gratitude. Therefore all commercials end with the pay-off “Merci, for being you” (or similar slogans in other languages). By using a slogan consequently for a prolonged time, it becomes distinctive, and therefore, the phrase can be registered as trademark. When Leonidas launches a similar campaign, using the slogan ´because its you´, Merci is not amused and things escalate. De court judges that this slogan is an infringement of the rights on the famous slogan “Merci, for being you”. The slogans are similar to the extent that the public will associate them. The additive ´Leonidas´ does not compensate this. Recently we saw a similar conflict between beer manufacturer Bavaria and Your Hosting. Bavaria claimed Intellectual property rights on its slogan ‘Zo. Nu eerst’, or ´So. Now first´. In First Instance Bavaria´s claim was granted, but fortunately the court rejected it, stating that the slogan was too commonplace to obtain protection based on Intellectual property rights. Therefore, if a slogan (even if it is commonplace) is of great importance, protect it as a trademark.

WELL-KNOWN STATUS OF TRADEMARK IS SO SIGNIFICANT! iPhone and China Well-known trademarks have a broad protection. The holders of these trademarks can act against unfair use of their trademarks, even if used for other products. However, the titleholder has to prove that the trademark was well-known at the moment that a third party applied for an identical or similar trademark. Apple experienced this first hand in China. In 2002, Apple applies for the trademark iPhone in China. At the launch of the trademark in 2007, the trademark iPhone was also applied for by a Chinese company for leather handbags and phone boxes. In 2012 Apple initiated a procedure against this trademark application before the Chines Trademark Authorities. Their request was denied and this decision has been confirmed by the Chines Court and subsequently the Chinese Higher Court. Xintong Tjandi Technology may use their brand, because Apple was not able to prove that the trademark iPhone was a well-known trademark in 2007 (Apple initiated sales in China in 2009).

BREXIT – EU trademarks & designs If England leaves the European Union, there won´t be consequences just for English companies. In general, every company owning a European Union Trademark or European Union design will lose protection in the United Kingdom. A solution should be found in the coming years. There are three possible options. The owner of the EU trademark or design loses all his rights (highly unlikely), a one to one transformation of rights, or the EU rights will be converted into national rights. The last option is already being used in certain procedures and therefore is the most probable option. How does conversion work? Owners of EU trademarks or designs will be granted a term (for example 6 months) to specifically convert their rights into national rights in the UK. The procedure will be the same as a normal national application in the UK. Meaning the same costs, but also the examination of the authorities (on absolute grounds) and opposition possibilities for third parties. Do not close your eyes for these matters. Anticipate if the UK market is relevant. In case of filing for a European Union trademark or European design, also request protection through a National registration in the UK EU trademarks or designs will be granted a term (for example 6 months) to specifically convert their rights into national rights in the UK. The procedure will be the same as a normal national application in the UK. Meaning the same costs, but also the examination of the authorities (on absolute grounds) and opposition possibilities for third parties. Do not close your eyes for these matters. Anticipate if the UK market is relevant. In case of filing for a European Union trademark or European design, also request protection through a National registration in the UK If England leaves the European Union, there won´t be consequences just for English companies. In general, every company owning a European Union Trademark or European Union design will lose protection in the United Kingdom. A solution should be found in the coming years. There are three possible options. The owner of the EU trademark or design loses all his rights (highly unlikely), a one to one transformation of rights, or the EU rights will be converted into national rights. The last option is already being used in certain procedures and therefore is the most probable option. How does conversion work? Owners of EU trademarks or designs will be granted a term (for example 6 months) to specifically convert their rights into national rights in the UK. The procedure will be the same as a normal national application in the UK. Meaning the same costs, but also the examination of the authorities (on absolute grounds) and opposition possibilities for third parties. Anticipate if the UK market is relevant. In case of filing for a European Union trademark or European design, also request protection through a National registration in the UK.

ALBANIA DIRECTORATE OF PATENTS AND TRADEMARKS has published the Official Bulletin No 11/2006, which can be downloaded in below link. For any information regarding the Bulletin and published applications/registrations of trademarks, especially if you notice any possible opposition, third parties observation, corrections, or other similar situation please contact us, before the deadline of 02.02.2017 ------- DREJTORIA E PATENTAVE DHE MARKAVE ka publikuar Buletinin Zyrtar Nr. 11/2006, të cilin mund ta shkarkoni ne linkun e meposhtem. Për çdo informate lidhur me Buletinin dhe aplikimet apo regjistrimet per Markat Tregtare të publikuara aty, sidomos nëse jeni ballafaquar me ndonjë keqpërdorim të Markës tuaj Tregtare, apo keni Kundershtim, Ankese, Korrigjim etj., ndaj te treteve lidhur me publikimet ne fjale ju lutem na kontaktoni Agjencinë para afatit 02.02.2017
