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The Innovation Centre, Sligo, Ireland
Medical Company



Equine Blood Analysis. Anytime. Anywhere. The world's first handheld blood test for horses.

StableLab is a new blood test that's different in 3 ways, it's handheld, it measures a new biomarker called Serum Amyloid A, and it works more like a thermometer than a lab report. Helping you understand if a horse is sick or not right at the horse's side. StableLab can be used to detect infections in horses and it also tells you if antibiotic treatment is working.

Our revolutionary blood test detects and quantifies infections: StableLab detects and measures Serum Amyloid A (SAA), a major acute phase reactant. Under normal healthy conditions, SAA is not detectable. However, levels increase within 12–24 hours after the onset of infection or after severe trauma, such as surgery or colic.

StableLab is an earlier and more dramatic indication of infection than WBCs and fibrinogen.

StableLab is ideal for Pre-Performance Testing since it can clearly detect infections, even before the horse shows any physical symptoms, making it a necessary part of your routine before a race or competition.


Visit our booth at AAEP to learn more about SAA & Stablelab. #2073

Proud to be in partnership with Dr. Alessandro Centinaio who supported a great study with us last year on the Longines Global Champions Tour along with Dr. Marc Oertly of Stal Tops. Thanks guys 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

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***Breeding Season Special Offer*** We are delighted to collaborate with another exceptional Irish equine company Nortev Galway on a new breeding season offer. We are offering a Free Flexineb E2 Foal Nebuliser (worth $1075) when 6 packs of StableLab SAA tests are ordered in a single order. See for more info! It's the ideal breeding season package: StableLab is a very valuable adjunct to IgG testing in the neonatal exam as SAA is better than WBCs at identifying non healthy newborns. Completely silent, fast & fully portable, Nortev’s Flexineb can be used to effectively deliver medication to the airways to treat conditions such as pneumonia, meconium aspiration & mucus breakdown. T&Cs apply. Limited Offer- Only available while stocks last. For more info contact

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Photos from Stablelab's post

The first foals are beginning to drop...and StableLab has developed a neonatal screening protocol which can be used during the breeding season. The benefit of testing all newborns with StableLab is that Serum Amyloid A is about three times better than White Blood Cells at identifying non healthy newborns*. The protocol was developed in consultation with a leading internal medicine specialist. Email for a copy of our neonatal screen protocol.

Photos from Stablelab's post

Stablelab's cover photo

Stablelab's cover photo

Innovator's Circle 2016

The Innovators Circle is back: Watch some of the world's leading experts on Serum Amyloid A in an unscripted, round table discussion.

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We are at AAEP 62nd Annual Convention! Drop by our booth to learn more about SAA & Stablelab. #2025

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Stablelab is proud to be sponsoring the Internal Medicine Scientific Session at 62nd Annual AAEP Convention on Tuesday, December 6. Don't miss Molly Viner, UC Davis present a paper on the "Comparison of Serum Amyloid A in Horses with Infectious and Non-Infectious Respiratory Diseases" at 8.50am. Request a copy of the paper by emailing

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Watch what internal medicine specialist, Dr. Nicola Pusterla had to say about Serum Amyloid A and Stablelab.

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